Simon Bond's Compositions

Grandsire Triples 1,260 · 1,273 #1 · 1,273 #2 · 1,273 #3 · 1,287 #1 · 1,287 #2 · 1,301
Single Oxford Bob Triples 1,260
Spliced Triples and Major 1,440 (3m)
Plain Bob Major 1,280 1,344
Cambridge Surprise Major 1,280 · 1,282 · 1,344
Superlative Surprise Major 1,280 #1 · 1,280 #2 · 1,282 · 1,346 · 5,088
Lancashire Surprise Major 5,088
Lessness Surprise Major 5,088
Kent Treble Bob Major 1,280
Ytterbium Alliance Major 5,070
Spliced Plain Major 1,344/1,288 (2m)
Spliced Surprise Major 1,280 (4m, LBFG) · 1,282 (6m) · 1,280 (10m) · 1,280 (2-5m, variable hunt) · 1,280 (6m, variable hunt) · 1,280 (8m, variable hunt) · 5,040 (6m, variable hunt)
Grandsire Caters Quarters 1,259 #1 · 1,259 #2 · 1,259 #3 · 1,259 #4 · 1,259 #5 · 1,259 #6 · 1,259 #7 · 1,259 #8 · 1,259 #9 · 1,259 #10 · 1,260 #1 · 1,260 #2 · 1,260 #3 · 1,260 #4 · 1,260 #5 · 1,260 #6 · 1,260 #7 · 1,260 #8 · 1,277 #1 · 1,277 #2 · 1,277 #3 · 1,277 #4 · 1,277 #5 · 1,278 #1 · 1,278 #2 · 1,295 #1 · 1,295 #2 · 1,295 #3 · 1,295 #4 · 1,295 #5 · 1,295 #6 · 1,295 #7 · 1,296 #1 · 1,296 #2 · 1,296 #3 · 1,313 #1 · 1,313 #2 · 1,313 #3 · 1,313 #4 · 1,314 #1 · 1,331 #1 · 1,331 #2 · 1,331 #3 · 1,367
Grandsire Caters Date Touches 1,584 (1,588) · 1,997 · 2,016 · 2,017 #1 · 2,017 #2
Grandsire Caters Peals 5,003 (5,075) #1 "Swindon" · 5,003 #2 "Wells" · 5,021 #1 · 5,021 #2 · 5,021 #2a · 5,021 (5,093) #3 "Abingdon" · 5,021 #4 "La Parisienne" · 5,022 #1 "Alan!" · 5,022 #2 · 5,039 #1 "Appleton" · 5,039 #2 "Banbury" · 5,040 #1 · 5,040 (5,058) #2 · 5,040 #3 · 5,057 #1 · 5,057 #2 · 5,057 #2a · 5,057 #3 · 5,057 #4 · 5,057 #5 "Emma #3.1" · 5,058 #1 · 5,058 #2 "Bombshell" · 5,075 #1 · 5,075 #2 · 5,075 #3 · 5,075 #4 · 5,075 #4a · 5,076 #1 · 5,076 #2 · 5,093 #1 · 5,112 (10,224) · 5,129 (5,021) · 10,007
Spliced Caters and Royal 1,287 (2m) · 1,313 (2m) · 1,911 (2m) · 5,031 (2m) · 5,033 (2m) · 5,035 (4m)
Plain Bob Royal 1,260
Yorkshire Surprise Royal 1,282 · 5,040 #1 · 5,040 #2
Littleport Little Surprise Royal 5,088 · 5,150
Spliced Royal 1,476 (3m, cyclic) · 2016 (2m) · 5,032 (3m)
Grandsire Cinques 1,253 #1 · 1,253 #2 · 1,275 · 1,276 #1 · 1,276 #2 · 1,298 · 1,319 · 1,320 #1 · 1,320 #2 · 1,320 #3 · 1,342 · 5,015
Stedman Cinques 1,287 · 1,299
Spliced Cinques and Maximus 1,261 (3m)
Bristol Surprise Maximus 5,136
Spliced Surprise Maximus 1,344 (2m) · 1,296 (3m)
1,260 Grandsire Triples Comp. SAB 234567 ------ 2 672453 - 2 536247 - 1 275436 s 3 532764 - 1 745632 s 1 267345 - 3 472653 s s 354267 s ------ 6-part, - for s halfway and end. First rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 25/10/2014, Cond. M R Johnson
1,273 Grandsire Triples #1 Comp. SAB 234567 1 2 3 4 357246 s s 735 - - 573 - - 234765 s 3742 - - 7243 - - 324567 - - 572346 - - (5 leads) 257 - - 725 - - 2357 - - 534267 - - (3 leads) 453 - - 543276 - - 354 - - 5243 - - 3245 s 2543 - - 425 - - 245367 - - 3452 s 435276 - - (3254) - - Unrung
1,273 Grandsire Triples #2 Comp SAB 07/11/16 234567 1 2 3 4 -------------- 236745 s s - --------------- 432675 3.s5.6 | 243 - - | A | 324 - - | | 324756 - s s | B 243 A | 324657 s - | 243 A | --------------- 326745 - s (342657) B Suitable for half-muffled ringing. First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 22/11/2016, Cond. SAB
7 bells comp=s,s,b,line, 2p,b,p,s,b,p,line, BBlock, 2b,2p,line, p,b,s,2p,line, 2p,b,p,s,b,p,line, BBlock, 2b,fin BBlock=ABlock, b,s,p,s,3p,line, ABlock, s,b,2p,line, 2b,2p,line ABlock=2(2b,2p,line) p=g,+7.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin=g,+7," @" g=+ line=" -------"
1,273 Grandsire Triples #3 Comp SAB 06/11/19 234567 1 2 3 -------------------- 236745 s s - (3) -------------------- 342576 s - (6) | -------------------- | 234 - - | A | 423 - - | | -------------------- | 374265 - (3) | B 423675 - s (5) | 234 A | 324657 - - | 243 A | -------------------- | 326745 - s (5) -------------------- (342657) B 18 each 567, 756, 765 and 5 7654, all at hand. Suitable for half-muffled ringing. First rung Oxford, Merton College, 10/11/2019, Cond. SAB
7 bells comp=s,s,b,line, BBlock, 2b,2p,line, p,b,s,2p,line, BBlock, 2b,fin BBlock=p,s,b,3p,line, ABlock, 2p,b,line, b,p,s,2p,line, ABlock, b,p,b,p,line, 2b,2p,line ABlock=2(2b,2p,line) p=g,+7.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin=g,+7," @" g=+ line=" -------"
1,287 Grandsire Triples #1 Comp. SAB 16/05/17 234567 1 2 3 4 --------------- 573246 - 4 234765 s --------------- 423 - - | A | 342 - - | | 432756 - - | B 324 A | 432657 s - | 324 A | --------------- 265347 - s 432765 - s (342657) B 4 = s-s- 17 567s, 18 each 756s, 765s, 12 246s incl Queens, all the near misses. First rung Salford, Sacred Trinity, 22/08/2021, Cond. C A Waters
7 bells comp=2p,b,s,p,line, 3p,b,line, 3p,s,line, 3p,b,line, s,2p,line, BBlock,2p,line, p,b,p,s,line, b,s,3p,line, BBlock,fin BBlock=ABlock, b,p,b,p,line, ABlock, s,b,2p,line, 2b,2p,line, 2b ABlock=2(2b,2p,line) p=g,+7.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin=g,+7," @" g=+ line=" -------"
1,287 Grandsire Triples #2 Comp. SAB 11/11/2022 234567 1 2 3 4 ------------------ 324576 - - | ------------------ | 432 - - | A | 243 - - | | B ------------------ | 324675 s - | 243 A | ------------------ 735426 - (3) 573 - - 236745 - s (2) 32 - - s (3) 243657 - s (7) 432 A 423576 B 723564 - 234657 - s s (6) (342) A ------------------ For half-muffled ringing. Contains Queens, Kings and Whittingtons at handstroke. 16 56s, 19 each 756, 765 at hand. First rung Oxford, Merton College, 13/11/2022, Cond. SAB
7 bells Comp=B, p,b,p,line, 2b,2p,line, b,s,line,2b,s,line, 2p,b,s,3p,line,A,B, p,b,2p,line, b,2s,3p,line, 2b,2p,line, 2b,fin B=b,p,b,p,line,A,s,b,2p,line,A A=2(2b,2p,line) p=g,+7.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin={ 2p, echo "(@)", true: }, g,+7 g=+ line=" -------" prove Comp
1,301 Grandsire Triples Comp. SAB 18/01/2010 234567 1 2 3 4 357246 s s 537264 - - 753246 - s 375 - - 5273 - s 752 - - |A 275 - - | 432675 - s (5 leads) 324 A 432576 s - 324 A 2543 - - 425 - - 245367 - - 4352 - - |B 3254 - - | 235476 - - 3452 - - 2453 s (3254) B Unrung
1,260 Single Oxford Bob Triples Comp. SAB 234567 s 432675 2 -* 754632 1 - 267543 3 s 342567 1 s 243675 2 s 342756 2 s 243567 2 s 342675 2 6 part. s for -* in parts 3 and 6. Contains all 144 combinations of 5-6-7 at the back. First rung Fulham, All Saints, 27/03/2016, Cond. SAB
7 bells Part=p,s,q,2p,b,s,4(p,s),"-------" P=+,"@" B=+,"@ -" S=+,"@ s" Prove 2((q=b), 2part, (q=s), part)
1,440 (1,312, 1,280 etc.) Spliced Variable Cover Triples and Major (3m) 672 Stedman, 512 Bristol S Major, 256 Superlative S Major; 23 com; atw for all eight bells. Comp. SAB 08/02/16 12345678 -------------------------- Stedman a 41735268 Superlative [ - 47568123 Bristol - 46758123 Bristol - ] 45678123 ------------------------ 8-part a = 2.s4.6.7.s9.10.11.s13 200 4-runs Assorted shortenings available. Recommended options: For 1312, omit bracketed call and leads in parts 3 & 6. Contains 384 Bristol; 21 com; 194 4-runs For 1280, as above plus call s Bristol s for bracketed call and leads in part 1. Contains 352 Bristol; 21 com; 194 4-runs
8 bells Comp=8(stedman,s,b,b,ln) stedman=pb,ps,pb,bp,sb,bp,sp / 2.s4.6.7.s9.10.11.s13 pb=+," Stedman @",+," Stedman - @" ps=+," Stedman @",+567.," Stedman s @" bp=+," Stedman - @",+," Stedman @" sp=+567.," Stedman s @",+," Stedman @" sb=+567.," Stedman s @",+," Stedman - @" b=&x5x4.5x5.36.4x4.5x4x18,+14," Bristol - @" s=&-36-14-58-36-14-58-36-78,+14,"Superlative - @" ln="----------------------"
1,280 Plain Bob Major Comp. SAB 28/09/14 2345678 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 10 13 17 20 -------------------------------------------------------- 4567823 - s - - - - s 6782345 - - - - - 8234567 - - 3456782 - - 5678234 - - - - - 7823456 - - 2345678 - s - - - - s -------------------------------------------------------- First rung Oxford, St Mary Magd, 28/09/2017, Cond. C A Waters
1,344 Plain Bob Major Comp. SAB 2345678 1 2 ------------- 4567823 - - 6782345 - - X 8234567 - - 3456782 - - 5678423 - - Y 7823456 - - 2345867 - - X X = 3 bobs on 6-7-8 Y = 3 bobs on 2-3-4 Unrung
1,280 Cambridge Surprise Major Comp. SAB 17/01/2014 234567 V B M W I H ------------------ 352764 - 654237 - - s - 23546 2 45236 - s 23456 - - ------------------ Queens, 11 56s Unrung
1,282 Cambridge Surprise Major Comp. SAB 06/06/2016 2345678 V I F B M W H --------------------- 4237856 s s 3 3462578 - 34256 - - 62534 3 (32456) - s First rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 06/06/2016, Cond. SAB
1,344 Cambridge Surprise Major Comp. SAB 06/06/2016 2345678 V I B M W F H --------------------- 4237856 s s 3 3425678 s s 34562 - - 34625 - - 23456 2 s s Unrung
1,280 Superlative Surprise Major #1 Comp. SAB 05/06/15 23456 B M W H ------------- 35264 - 63524 3 s s 32645 - 42635 s 23456 - ------------- 3 = --s Contains 18 crus, 12 5678, 10 8765, 14 little bell at the back, 8 5678, 8 8765, 20 little bell at the front, tittums, backrounds. Rung as Spliced Surprise Major (4m), Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 23/06/2015, Cond. SAB
1,280 Superlative Surprise Major #2 Comp. SAB 05/08/16 23456 B M H ------------- 42356 - 25463 - 35264 2 53642 - s 23645 s 23456 - - ------------- Contains 18 crus, 12 5678, 8 8765, 18 little bell at the back, 6 5678, 8 8765, 18 little bell at the front, the whole plain course and mega-tittums course. First rung Swindon, St Mark, 25/11/2016, Cond. S W Edwards
8 bells sab12802=6p,b,ln,p,b,2p,ln,2(2p,b,4p,ln),p,b,p,s,ln,2p,s,4p,ln,p,b,p,b,ln p=lead,+12,"@" b=lead,+14,"@ -" s=lead,+1234,"@ s" lead=&x36x4x5x36x4x5x36x7 ln="--------"
1,282 Superlative Surprise Major Comp. SAB 13/10/2014 23456 B M W H ------------- 54632 - - 43526 - 25634 - - 25346 - - 25463 - - 45362 - 25364 s ------------- Rounds two blows later Contains 15 crus, 5 5678, 4 8765, 24 little bell at the back, 4 5678, 4 8765, 24 little bell at the front, tittums, backrounds. First rung Swindon, St Mark, 17/03/2018, Cond. A M Eyles
1,346 Superlative Surprise Major Comp. SAB 31/10/2013 23456 M W H ----------- 65432 - - - 46532 - 34562 - 25463 - - 45362 - 25364 s ----------- Rounds two blows later Contains tittums, backrounds, whole mega-tittums course First rung Brancepeth, 25/04/2017, Cond. S L C Morgan
5,088 Superlative Surprise Major Comp. SAB 17/06/2015 23456 B M W H -------------- 35264 - 3 32654 - 2 45623 - - - 62453 - - 42356 - -------------- 3 part Contains 48 crus, 12 5678, 6 each 6578, 8765, 8756, 7568, 40 little bell at the back, 12 8765, 6 each 5678, 6578, 8756, 7568, 46 little bell at the front, queens, backrounds. Also true to Yorkshire and Pudsey. First rung to Superlative at Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 22/09/2015, Cond. SAB First rung to Yorkshire at Old Stoke, The Wolery, 02/12/2015, Cond. D G Salter
8 bells sab5088=3(p,b,p,b,ln,6p,b,ln,6p,b,ln,3p,b,2p,b,ln,6p,b,ln,2p,2b,2p,b,ln,3p,b,2p,b,ln,2p,b,4p,ln,ln) p=lead,+12,"@" b=lead,+14,"@ -" lead=&x36x4x5x36x4x5x36x7 / Superlative / lead=&x3x4x5x6x2x3x4x7 / Yorkshire / lead=&x5x6x2x3x4x5x6x7 / Pudsey ln="--------"
5,088 Lancashire Surprise Major Comp. SAB 36254 W B M H ----------------- 24653 s - 42536 - s 23465 - ss 32546 - 2 s 56324 - - s 46352 s s ----------------- 3 part; Start at the backstroke snap. 24 each 5678, 8765, 6 6578 off the back, 18 each 5678, 6578, 8765 off the front, some incidental little-bell music. First rung Oxford, St Mary Magd, 02/08/2022, Cond. SAB
8 bells comp=Snap,ln,part,p,ln,part,p,ln,part,+5- part=5p,s,b,ln, 3p,b,3p,s,ln, 3p,b,3p,s,ln,6p,s,ln, b,2p,2b,3p,s,ln, b,4p,b,s,ln, s,4p,s p=Lanc,+12," @" b=Lanc,+14,"- @" s=Lanc,+1234,"s @" Lanc=&58-58.14-58-36-14-58.14-14.78 Snap=&58.14-58-36-14-58.14-14.78,+-58.12," @" ln=" --------"
5,088 Lessness Surprise Major Comp. SAB 2345678 M B W H ------------------- 54623 - - 43526 - 3247856 sT 3265478 sF 2 - 45623 - - - 42356 2 - - ------------------- 3 part 24 each 56, 65, 18 8765; 12 5678, 6 6578, 18 8765 off the front. First rung Oxford, Merton College, 14/09/2019, Cond. SAB
8 bells peal=3(b,4p,b,p,ln,2p,b,3p,ln,p,s,4p,ln,2p,s,b,3p,ln,2p,b,2p,b,ln,b,4p,2b,ln,b,6p,ln,b,4p,2b,ln) p=L,+12," @" b=L,+14," - @" s=L,+1234," s @" L=&-38-14-56-16-12-58-14-58 ln=" --------"
1,280 Kent Treble Bob Major Comp. SAB 20/02/2014 23456 M B W H ------------- 42356 - 25463 - 64523 - - 2 23645 2 - 23456 2 2 - ------------- For handbells Also true to Oxford TB, Bristol S First rung to Oxford on handbells, 02/05/2014, Cond. SAB
5,070 Ytterbium Alliance Major Comp. SAB 23456 B W V M H ------------------------ 46235 - (ss) - s 23465 - - 36542 2 - 63425 - s 32546 2 - 53246 sT/sF - 25634 - - 25346 - - 42356 - ------------------------ ssV in first part only 24 each 56s, 65s, 18 8765; 15 5678, 18 8765 off the front; 177 4-runs off the front or back; Backrounds. First rung Oxford, St Ebbe, 03/07/2022, Cond. SAB
8 bells comp=p,b,p,s,6p,s,b,p,s,line,Part,2(p,b,2p,b,p,s,line,Part) part=p,b,4p,b,line, b,p,line, 2b,line, b,s,line, b,p,line, 2b,line, 2p,s,6p,s,3p,b,line, p,b,2p,b,2p,line, 2b,line, p,b,5p,line y=&-38-14-1256-16-12-58.16-78 p=y,+12," @" b=y,+14,"- @" s=y,+1234,"s @" line=" --------"
1,344 (1,288) Spliced Plain Major Comp. SAB 672 each Plain Bob, Little Bob, 70com, atw 2345678 1 3 6 8 5324786 - - PLL.PLP.L[LLL] 5678234 - - - - P.LL.PLL.LP. 7 Part No backstroke 87s, 179 4-runs For 1,288 ring P for [LLL]. Contains 784 Plain, 504 Little, 70 com, atw; 173 4-runs First rung as 1344 at St Albans Abbey, 05/07/2015, Cond. S W Penney
1,280 Spliced Surprise Major (4m) Comp. SAB 13/09/17 2345678 Belfast 4263857 Bristol - 6423857 Glasgow 4365278 London - 2643857 Glasgow 6325478 Glasgow 3567284 London - 2635478 Bristol 3246857 Belfast - 4326857 Belfast - 2436857 384 each Belfast, Glasgow, 256 each Bristol London; 29 com. 24 each 5678, 8765. Unrung
1,282 Spliced Surprise Major (6m) Comp. SAB 23456 B M W H ----------------- 65432 - - - R.C.R. 45362 2 - YNCY.B.R. 34562 - SSSSSSS. 24365 2 YNC.B.YNYN 63542 - - NYS.C.R 32456 2 -s CN.RC.BBBB.B, (32456) BY(Y) 256 Bristol, Superlative; 226 Yorkshire; 192 Cambridge, Lincolnshire (N); 160 Rutland; 27 com. Rung as 1330 Spliced Major (7m), Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 14/03/2017, Cond. SAB
1,280 Spliced Surprise Major (10m) Comp. SAB 21/03/17 2345678 Rutland 4263857 Yorkshire 3527486 Lincolnshire 7856342 Superlative - 8642735 Belfast 4876523 Cambridge 6283457 Pudsey - 2357648 Glasgow - 3748265 London - 2437586 Bristol - 3247586 128 each Rutland, Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, Superlative, Belfast, Cambridge, Pudsey, Glasgow, London, Bristol; 39 com. First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 12/09/2017, Cond. SAB
1,280 Variable Hunt Spliced Surprise Major (2-5m) Comp. SAB 19/08/2014 2m: 3m: 4m: 5m: 12345678 12345678 12345678 12345678 -------- -------- -------- -------- ½Y 68472531 ½Y 68472531 ½Y 68472531 ½Y 68472531 Y 62341857 S 62341857 S 62341857 S 62341857 ½Y 87452136 ½S 87452136 ½S 87452136 ½S 87452136 Y 82346715 Y 82346715 Y 82346715 Y 82346715 ½Y 75412638 ½Y 75412638 ½Y 75412638 ½Y 75412638 Y 72348561 S 72348561 S 72348561 N 72348561 ½Y 51462837 ½Y 51462837 ½Y 51462837 ½Y 51462837 ½B 16482735 ½B 16482735 ½B 16482735 ½B 16482735 Y- 14235678 Y- 14235678 C- 14235678 C- 14235678 -------- -------- -------- -------- 6-part, s for - half-way and end. Y.½S (Y.½Y in 2m version) for ½B in one part. Ring only the first 16 changes of leads marked '½'. All arrangements have 30 changes of hunt bell 2m: 1200 Yorkshire, 80 Bristol; 10 com 3m: 704 Yorkshire, 496 Superlative, 80 Bristol; 36 com 4m: 512 Yorkshire, 496 Superlative, 192 Cambridge, 80 Bristol; 41 com 5m: 512 Yorkshire, 304 Superlative, 192 each Cambridge, Lincolnshire, 80 Bristol; 41 com 5m arrangement first rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 16/09/2014, Cond. SAB
1,280 Variable Hunt Spliced Surprise Major (6m) Comp. SAB after DGH 12345678 -------- P 68254731 S 71538426 N 32184657 B 28164753 S 73658412 C 15384267 Y 27865431 B 76845132 Y 12436587 B 23456781 -------- 8-part. Ring only the first 16 changes of each lead. 384 Bristol, 256 Superlative, Yorkshire, 128 Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Pudsey; 79 changes of method and hunt bell; all of half the work for all 8 bells.
8 bells comp=8(p,s,n,b,s,c,y,b,y,b,"--------") y=+x3x4x5x6x2x3x4x7,"@ Y" c=+x3x4x25x36x4x5x6x7,"@ C" n=+x3x4x5x6x4x5x36x7,"@ N" s=+x36x14x58x36x14x58x36x78,"@ S" b=+x5x4.5x5.36.4x4.5x4x18,"@ B" p=+x5x6x2x3x4x5x6x7,"@ P"
1,280 Variable Hunt Spliced Surprise Major (8m) Comp. SAB after DGH 12345678 -------- P 68254731 Y 71538426 L 31452687 Y 67581243 R 47813526 B 71853624 C 25136487 N 38564712 C 16847253 S 23456781 -------- 8-part. Ring only the first 16 changes of each lead. 256 Yorkshire, Cambridge, 128 Bristol, Lincolnshire, London, Pudsey, Rutland, Superlative; 79 changes of method and hunt bell; all of half the work for all 8 bells.
8 bells comp=8(p,y,l,y,r,b,c,n,c,s,"--------") y=+x3x4x5x6x2x3x4x7,"@ Y" c=+x3x4x25x36x4x5x6x7,"@ C" n=+x3x4x5x6x4x5x36x7,"@ N" s=+x36x14x58x36x14x58x36x78,"@ S" l=+38x38.14x12x38.14x14.58.16x16.58,"@ L" b=+x5x4.5x5.36.4x4.5x4x18,"@ B" p=+x5x6x2x3x4x5x6x7,"@ P" r=+x3x4x5x6x4x3x34x18,"@ R"
5,040 Variable Hunt Spliced Surprise Major (6m) Comp. SAB 12345678 -------- B 24365871 B 46385172 S 12876534 P 54267381 N 68473125 N 72831546 C 43215687 B 31265784 B 16275483 C 87654321 -------- B 75634128 P 18543267 C 64832751 C 53427186 S 16283745 P 75638421 R 25381647 S 67845132 B 74815236 B 41825637 N 23156784 15-part. Ring only the first 16 changes of each lead. 1680 Bristol, 960 Cambridge, 720 each Lincolnshire, Superlative, Pudsey, 240 Rutland; 239 changes of method plus 75 other changes of hunt bell. 326 4-bell runs including 15 each 5678, 4567, 8765, 7654 off the front, 12 each 5678, 4567, 8765, 7654 off the back.
8 bells comp=15(b,b,s,p,n,n,c,b,b,c,"",b,p,c,c,s,p,r,s,b,b,n,"") y=+x3x4x5x6x2x3x4x7,"Y @" c=+x3x4x25x36x4x5x6x7,"C @" n=+x3x4x5x6x4x5x36x7,"N @" s=+x36x14x58x36x14x58x36x78,"S @" l=+38x38.14x12x38.14x14.58.16x16.58,"L @" b=+x5x4.5x5.36.4x4.5x4x18,"B @" p=+x5x6x2x3x4x5x6x7,"P @" r=+x3x4x5x6x4x3x34x18,"R @"
1,259 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32654987 - - s 32896745 s s - 23498765 - - s 423 - - - 342 - - - 43278569 s - - 34258967 s - - 43256789 - s - [34256978 - - s 64253 s 34265 s s 23465879 - - s ] 423 - - - (342) - - - First rung Lundy Island, 14/12/2010, Cond. SAB To avoid the tedium of the s5 course, ring bracketted courses as: 43256789 1 2 3 4 24356978 - - 64325 s s 32465 - - s 23465879 - - - This arrangement first rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 07/05/2013 Cond. SAB.
1,259 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32458967 - s - 432 - - - 243 - - - 32457986 - s s 73254 - - s 273 - - - 327 - - - 35264879 - s - 43562 - - s 24365 - - s 32465978 - - s 23465879 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - For half-muffled ringing First rung Oxford, Magdalen College, 02/11/2010, Cond. M A Bell
1,259 Grandsire Caters #3 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32456987 - - - 23497568 s s - 423579 s - - 342975 s - - 234579 s - - 35426879 s s - 5243 - - - 2345 - - - 42356978 - - s 62354 s 32465 s - 23465879 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - First rung Banbury, 10/06/2012, Cond. C M Lee
1,259 Grandsire Caters #4 Comp. SAB 31/10/13 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 35428967 s s - 435 - - - 543 - - - 42356987 - s - 342 - - - 234 - - - 32456798 - - s* 23456879 - - s* 3542 - - - 65432 s s 53462 - - - 23465 s (6 leads) 423 - - - (342) - - - Call - for both s* to gain the 8-9 near-miss in place of some 2345/5432 runs. First rung Swindon, Christ Church, 03/11/2018, Cond. A M Eyles
1,259 Grandsire Caters #5 Comp. SAB 15/1/16 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------ 32 - - - s 92436587 - s 32654987 - s - 23896745 s s s 32 - - - s 35792468 s - - 23547968 s - s 5432 - - s 32497568 - - 43256978 s - s 64352 - - s 24365978 s s 42365879 - - - (342) - - - ------------------ First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 16/01/2016, Cond. SAB
9 bells comp=b,b,b,s,line, b,s,p,p,p,line, p,p,b,s,b,line, s,p,s,p,s,line, b,b,b,s,line, s,p,b,p,b,p,p,line, s,b,s,p,p,line, p,b,b,s,p,line, p,p,b,b,p,p,line, s,b,p,s,p,line, b,b,s,p,p,line, s,p,p,s,p,line, b,p,b,b,p,line, b,b,b,fin P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" LEAD=+ fin=lead,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------"
1,259 Grandsire Caters #6 Comp. SAB 14/09/2016 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 ------------------------ 24653 - s s (11) 46523 s - ------------------------ 64523987 - - - | A 42365978 - s s | ------------------------ 42365897 4A (34265879) - s - ------------------------ First rung Wimborne Minster, 11/02/2024, Cond. P Dillistone
1,259 Grandsire Caters #7 Comp. SAB 11/11/2016 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 --------------------- 45328967 s s s 3254 - - s 5243 s s 4523 - - - 34295678 - s s 43265879 s - - 243 - - - | A 324 - - - | 43265978 - - s 324 A 23465879 - - - (342) A --------------------- First rung Oxford, New College, 13/11/2016, Cond. SAB
1,259 Grandsire Caters #8 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------------------------ 42358967 - s s 24398765 s - - 324 - - - 87932546 - s (7) 987 - - - 798 - - - 34567892 s s s - - (6) 89234567 s s s (8) 93254768 - - (6) 62435987 s s (4) 23465978 - - s 42365879 - - s (342) - - - ------------------------ Unrung
1,259 Grandsire Caters #9 Comp. SAB 06/10/18 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 -------------------- 32456798 - s - s 432 - - - | A 243 - - - | 32456879 - - 43256 - - - 63245 s s 43265987 s - - 24365798 - - 432 A 34265879 - - s 423 A (342) - - - -------------------- For half- muffled ringing. First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 11/11/2018, Cond. B J Stone
1,259 Grandsire Caters #10 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 -------------------- 32654987 - - s 23896745 s s s 32 - - - s 23498765 - - s 423 - - - 342 - - - 54238967 - s 2345 - - s 35427986 - - 42365978 - - s 342 - - - 23465879 - - s 423 - - - (342) - - - ---------------------- Unrung
1,260 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 78923456 s s s | A 56789234 6A 43256789 s s - 234 s First rung Beverley, St Mary, 05/01/2013, Cond. R R Horton
1,260 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 32654987 - - s 43256 - - s 35792468 s s 75239 s - 2357 - - s 23549786 s s - - 24365789 s s - - 54326 s s 32458967 s s s 432 - - - 242 - - - 42356789 - s - 342 - - - 234 - - - First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 28/04/2015, Cond. SAB
1,260 Grandsire Caters #3 Comp. SAB 05/11/13 24365879 1 2 3 4 5 324 - - - 432 - - - 34265978 - - - 23495678 s - - 32465978 s - - s 43297856 s s s 34289675 s - 234 - - - 423 - - - 64253879 s s - - 34265 s s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - Start at backstroke with a single For half-muffled ringing First rung Oxford, New College, 09/11/2014, Cond. SAB
1,260 Grandsire Caters #4 Comp. SAB 07/02/14 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------ 23654978 - s - 23654987 - s - - 23896745 s s - 42398765 - - 52348967 - s 2345 s - 32456789 - s - ------------------ Repeat First rung Swindon, Christ Church, 17/05/2017, Cond. A M Eyles
9 bells comp=2(b,p,p,s,b,line, b,s,b,b,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, b,b,p,p,p,p,line, b,s,p,p,p,line, s,p,p,p,b,line, b,p,s,b,p,line) P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" LEAD=+ fin=lead,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------"
1,260 Grandsire Caters #5 Comp. SAB 14/03/14 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ---------------------- 23654978 - s - 23654987 - s - - 23896745 s s - 89324567 s s s 56789324 s s s 32456789 s s s ---------------------- Repeat First rung Swindon, Christ Church, 03/02/2018, Cond. A M Eyles
1,260 Grandsire Caters #6 Comp. SAB 18/03/14 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 32456978 - - s 23654 - - s s 32654987 - s - s 43256 - - s 35792468 s s 23945678 - s 923 - - - 24365879 - - 34567892 - - 46587293 - - 56789234 - - 52436789 s - s s 2345 - - - First rung as 1,270 Spliced Caters (2m) at Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 18/03/2014, Cond. SAB
1,260 Grandsire Caters #7 Comp. SAB 10/11/16 24365879 1 2 3 4 5 324 - - - 432 - - - 23546 s - 32548967 - - 5423 - - s 23459786 s s 539742 - s - 453297 s - s 54263879 s - 34265 s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - Start at backstroke with a single For half-muffled ringing Unrung
1,260 Grandsire Caters #8 Comp. SAB 18/05/17 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ---------------------- 423 - - - 62345 s s 24365 - - - 42365978 - -* s 342 - - -* 43265879 - - - 243 - - - ---------------------- Repeat If your band are very well behaved in the first part, call s for both -* in the second part. First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 23/05/2017, Cond. SAB
1,277 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 23456978 - - - 42356879 - - s 35247968 s s s 35792468 s - s - 23945678 - s 923 - - - 24365879 - - 324 - - - 432 - - - 24365978 - - s 324 - - - 23465879 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 30/11/2010, Cond. SAB
1,277 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32458967 - s - 432 - - - 243 - - - 32457986 - s s 32754986 - - s - 35264879 - s - 235 - - - 42365 - - s 24389657 s s - 32489675 - s - 432 - - - 64253879 s s s - 34265879 s s Rounds six leads later. For half-muffled ringing. First rung Oxford, New College, 13/11/2011, Cond. SAB
1,277 Grandsire Caters #3 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32458967 - s - 4523 - - s 245 - - - 43275698 - - 243 - - - 32479658 - - s 432 - - - 243 - - - 32475698 - - s 43265798 s - - 34265879 - - s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - For half-muffled ringing. First rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 03/09/2012, Cond. SAB In memory of Clive Holloway.
1,277 Grandsire Caters #4 See 1,295 #4
1,277 Grandsire Caters #5 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 65324978 s s 32564879 s - s 43265 - - s 243 - - - 324 - - - 43265987 - - 53248967 s - 34298765 - - 234 - - - 423 - - - 32896745 - s 23 - - - s (34265879) - - First rung Oxford, New College, 13/05/2018, Cond. SAB
9 bells comp=p,s,p,s,2p,line, p,s,b,s,p,line, b,b,s,p,p,line, 3b,2p,line,3b,2p,line, b,2p,b,2p,line, s,p,b,2p,line, 3p,2b,p,line, 3b,2p,line,3b,2p,line, 3p,b,s,line, 3b,s,line, 3p,2b,3p,fin P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" fin=lead,+9,"(132547698)" LEAD=+ line=" ---------"
1,278 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------ 32456978 - - s 32654987 - s s - 23896745 s s s 39278564 - - - s 29876543 - - | A 97856342 - - | 53492786 2A 23458967 - - s 42356789 - s s 342 - - - 234 - - - First rung Oxford, Magdalen College, 06/02/2019, Cond. A M Eyles
1,278 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 24365879 1 2 3 4 5 324 - - - 432 - - - 34265978 - - - 234 - - - 423 - - - 23945678 - - 34289675 - s - 234 - - - 423 - - - 64253879 s s - - 34265 s s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - Start at backstroke with a single For half-muffled ringing First rung Oxford, Magdalen College, 11/11/2018, Cond. SAB
1,295 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 32654987 - - s 43256 - - s 35792468 s s 23945678 - s 923 - - - 24365879 - - 54329876 s s s 3542 - - - 32465879 - s s s 432 - - - 34265978 - - - 234 - - - 42365879 - - s (342) - - - First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 18/05/2013, cond. SAB
1,295 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------ 23456798 - s - - ------------------ 23456879 - - - | 3542 - - - | A 435 - - - | 54326897 - s - | ------------------ 54326789 - - - 23456987 A ------------------ 32456978 - s - s 62435 s s 2346 - - - 42365879 - - s (342) - - - ------------------ First rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 28/02/2013, Cond. SAB
1,295 Grandsire Caters #3 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ---------------------- 32456978 - - s 32654987 - s s - 23896745 s s s 32498765 - - s 432 - - - 76543298 s s s 29876543 s s s 54329876 s s s 52463879 - s - s 35264 - - s 235 - - - 42365 - - s (342) - - - First rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 06/12/2014, Cond. SAB
1,295 (1,277) Grandsire Caters #4 Comp. SAB 19/01/15, revised 25/06/15 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------ 23654 - - s - 35792468 s - - 53247968 s - s s 34652978 - s s 34256987 - s s - 43298765 s s - 23896745 - s 32 - - - s 89234567 s s s 93254768 - - 32654987 - s - 63254978 - s - 23465978 s - 42365879 - - s (342) - - - Contains Queens, Tittums, Rollercoaster and bucket-loads of other fun stuff. For 1,277 call the opening two courses 1.2.s3.s4 s1.2.4.s5. First rung as 1277 Oxford, Magdalen College, 08/08/2015, Cond SAB, on the composer's wedding day.
9 bells comp=b,b,s,s,line, s,b,p,b,s,p,line, s,b,s,s,line, p,b,s,p,s,line, b,s,s,b,line, s,p,s,b,p,line, p,p,p,b,s,line, b,b,b,s,line, p,s,s,s,p,line, p,p,p,b,b,p,line, p,b,s,b,line, b,s,b,p,p,line, s,p,p,b,p,line, b,p,b,s,p,line, b,b,b,fin P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" LEAD=+ fin=lead,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------"
1,295 Grandsire Caters #5 Comp. SAB 28/05/15 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------ 35476982 - - | A 45678923 - - | 89234567 2A 93254768 - - 62435987 s s 32465978 - - - 43265879 - - s 34265978 - - - 23465879 - - s 423 - - - (342) - - - First rung Banbury, 13/03/2016, Cond. C M Lee Squeezes 256 4-bell runs into 1295 changes. Best so far! See also 1313 #3 for the same opening but an excursion via Queens before the handstroke homes finish. Nod to Matt Dawson for rearranging the tittums and handstroke courses as below for extra runniness: 62435987 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------- 23465978 - - s 42365 - - - 34265879 - - s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - -
9 bells comp=3(3p,2b,p,line,2p,2b,p,line), 3p,2b,p,line, s,p,s,p,line, p,b,p,b,b,line, b,p,b,s,p,line, b,p,b,b,p,line, b,p,b,s,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, b,b,b,fin P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" LEAD=+ fin=lead,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------"
1,295 Grandsire Caters #6 Comp. SAB 2/4/19 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------------ 32654987 - - s 23456978 - s s s 32458967 - s - 23498765 s - - 423 - - - 32896745 - s 23 - - - s 35792468 s - s 23945678 - s 923 - - - 34265879 - s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - ------------------------ First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 06/04/2019, Cond. SAB Also rung with the following alternative opening as 1,295 #6a, Oxford, New College, 18/08/2024, Cond. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 --------------------- 32456987 - - - 23456978 - s - s Further alternative, length 1,259, opens thus, then continues as above. 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------------ 23456978 - - - 32456879 - - - 23458967 - - 32498765 s - - 432 - - - 23896745 - s This arrangement unrung.
9 bells comp=b,p,b,p,s,line, b,3s,line, b,s,p,b,p,line, s,p,2b,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3p,b,s,line, 3b,s,line, s,p,b,p,s,2p,line, p,b,p,s,3p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3p,b,s,p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), 3b,fin p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin={ p, echo "(@)", true: }, g,+9 line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,& prove comp
1,295 Grandsire Caters #7 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 32456978 - - s 32654987 - s s - 32456789 - - - 92436587 - s 43298765 s s s 243 - - - | A 324 - - - | 87932546 - s 798 A 34567892 s s s - - 23465879 - s (342) A ----------------------- First rung Oxford, Magdalen College, 22/06/2021, Cond. SAB Courses 3-5 may alternatively be called as follows (1,295 #7a): 32654987 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 23896745 s s s 32 - - - s 43298765 - - ----------------------- This arrangement first rung Wells Cathedral, 06/07/2024, Cond. SAB Courses 11-12 may alternatively be called as follows (arr. D L Thomas): 79832546 1 2 3 7 -------------------- 34265879 s s s s 234 - - - -------------------- More handstrokes, missing the charming 34567892 ce. You pays your money... This arrangement first rung Swindon, Christ Church, 08/05/2022, Cond. A M Eyles
9 bells comp=b,2p,b,s,line, b,2s,b,line, b,p,b,p,b,line, b,s,3p,line, p,3s,p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), 2p,b,s,3p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), 3s,2b,p,line, b,s,4p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,fin p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin={ p, echo "(@)", true: }, g,+9 line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,& prove comp
1,296 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 02/10/15 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------ 32654987 - - s 23896745 s s s 39278564 - - - s 29876543 - - | A 97856342 - - | 75634928 A 65432987 - - 45238967 - s 5234 s - 2345 s - 42356789 - s s 342 - - - 234 - - - First rung Oxford, Christ Church, 04/10/2015, Cond. SAB
1,296 Grandsire Caters #2 (Village Idiot) Comp. SAB 07/02/16 (in the Royal Blenheim) 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------ 23654987 - - - 23896745 s s - 42398765 - - 342 - - - 54238967 - s 2435 s s 32456789 - s s ------------------ Repeat First rung Oxford, New College, 07/02/2016, Cond. SAB "Very nice comp. Love the way it works." ROH
9 bells comp=2(b,p,b,p,b,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, 2b,4p,line, 3b,2p,line, b,s,3p,line, s,3p,s,line, b,p,2s,p,line) p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" g=+3.1.9,& line=" ---------"
1,296 Grandsire Caters #3 Comp. SAB 08/05/16 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ---------------------- 32654987 - - s 23896745 s s s 32 - - - s 23498765 - - s 423 - - - 342 - - - 98765432 s s s - s ---------------------- Repeat First rung Swindon, Christ Church, 02/08/2017, Cond. A M Eyles
9 bells comp=2(b,p,b,p,s,line, s,p,s,p,s,line, 3b,s,line, 2b,2p,s,line, 2(3b,2p,line), s,p,2s,b,p,s,line) p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" g=+3.1.9,& line=" ---------"
1,313 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32456978 - - s 23497568 s - - 423 - - - 342 - - - 23498576 - s s 23498657 - - - 23498765 - - - 23674589 s s - 324567 s - s s 62435 s s 4326 - - s 34265978 - - s 23465879 - - s 423 - - - (342) - - - Unrung
1,313 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 42356978 - - 35246978 - - s 35792468 s - - 23945678 - s 923 - - - 67892345 s s s 34567892 s s s 43567829 - s - s 24365879 - - 32465978 - - s 23465879 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - First rung Lundy Island, 29/09/2011, Cond. SAB
1,313 Grandsire Caters #3 Comp. SAB 28/05/15 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 35476982 - - | A 45678923 - - | 89234567 2A 93254768 - - 432579 s s 357924 - s s 35247986 s s s - 34265879 - - s 234 - - - 432 - - - (342) - - - First rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 30/05/2015, Cond. SAB See also 1295 #5 for the same opening but a more conventional handstroke and tittums conclusion.
1,313 Grandsire Caters #4 Comp. SAB 02/02/17 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32 - - - s 92436587 - s 32654987 - s - 23896745 s s s 32 - - - s 43298765 - - 243 - - - 324 - - - 87932546 - s 987 - - - 798 - - - 34567892 s s s - - 34265879 - s s Rounds six leads later. 300 4-bell runs. First rung Oxford, Magdalen College, 04/02/2017, Cond. SAB
9 bells comp=b,b,b,s,line, b,s,p,p,p,line, p,p,b,s,b,line, s,p,s,p,s,line, b,b,b,s,line, b,b,4p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, 2p,b,s,3p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3s,2b,p,line, b,s,2p,b,5p,fin P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" LEAD=+ fin=lead,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------"
1,314 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 23456798 - s - - 23456879 - - - 23456987 - - - 32456789 - - - 432 - - - 243 - - - 32456987 - - s 32654 - - s - 43256 - - s 35792468 s s 352479 s - s - 23546879 - s s 23546987 - - - 52346789 - - s 2345 s - For ringing half-muffled with the bells open at backstroke. Composed especially for the time the OUS put the muffles on the wrong way at New College. First rung Oxford, New College, 10/11/2013, Cond. SAB
1,331 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 42358967 - s s* 25346987 - s - 25346798 - - - 52346879 - - s 2435 - - - 42356978 - - - 24397568 s - - 324 - - - 23456978 s - - 63425 s s 4236 - - s* 34265879 - - s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - First rung Lundy Island, 31/01/2010, Cond. SAB For a better arrangement of the little bells, ring - for both s*. This arrangement first rung Banbury, 05/08/2012, Cond. C M Lee
1,331 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 42356978 - - 42396587 s s - - 34298765 - s s 234 - - - 42396785 - - s 34276985 s - - 43276589 - - - 243567 s - - 64325 s s 4236 - - - 42365978 - - - 34265879 - - s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - Unrung
1,331 Grandsire Caters #3 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32456987 - - - 23497568 s s - 423579 s - - 342975 s - - 234579 s - - 35426879 s s - 5243 - - - 4325 - - s 24356978 - - s 64325 s s 4236 - - - 34265879 - - s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - An extension of 1259 #3, designed as a more straightforward 1331 (magic number for a birthday compliment) than 1331 number 1 or 2. First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 01/09/2010, Cond. J Cresshull
1,367 Grandsire Caters Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32458967 - s - 23498765 s - - 32495786 - s - 52437986 - s 32497568 s - - 23456978 s - - 42356879 - - s 35247968 s s s 35792468 s - s - 23945678 - s 923 - - - 34265879 - s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - First rung Swindon, Christ Church, 08/09/2018, Cond. A M Eyles
1,584 Grandsire Caters Comp. SAB 31/12/17 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32654987 - - s 32896745 s s - 24365879 - - 324 - - - 432 - - - 2354 s - 52348967 - s 34298765 - s 234 - - - 423 - - - 23896745 - - 35792468 s - s 532479 s - s s 34652978 - s s 93254768 s s s - 23456789 - - Rung as 1,588 Spliced Caters (2m) Oxford, Magdalen College, 06/01/2018, Cond. SAB A birthday compliment to Katherine Stonham, born 5/1/88. For 1,588 ring the following in place of the first course: 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 95273846 s - - Little Grandsire ----------------------- 32654987 - s s Grandsire
9 bells comp=b,p,b,p,s,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, 3p,2b,5p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, s,2p,b,p,line, b,3p,s,p,line, 3p,b,s,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3p,2b,line, s,p,b,p,s,2p,line, s,b,s,s,line, p,b,s,p,s,line, 3s,p,b,line, 2p,2b,p,line lg=+," @ LG" ls=+," @ s LG" lb=+," @ - LG" P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" LEAD=+ line=" ---------"
1,997 Grandsire Caters Comp SAB 19/01/18 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 --------------------------- 42356978 - - 24397568 s - - 32459876 s s 23489675 s - - 423 - - - 342 - - - 23467598 s s s 32465879 - - 432 - - - 243 - - - 89732546 s s s s 789 - - - 978 - - - 32896745 s s s s - 35792468 s - - 53247986 s s s s 34562879 - - s 23465 - - s 423 - - - (342) - - - Rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 25/01/2018, Cond. SAB, a 21st birthday compliment to Alan Eyles.
9 bells AME1997=b,2p,b,2p,line, s,b,p,b,p,line, s,3p,s,p,line, s,p,2b,p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), s,p,2s,p,line, b,3p,b,p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), 2p,4s,2p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), 4s,b,4p,line, s,p,b,p,b,2p,line, 4s,line, b,2p,b,s,p,line, 2b,s,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,fin P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" fin=lead,+9,"(132547698)" LEAD=+ line=" ---------"
2,016 Grandsire Caters Comp. SAB 15/11/16 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 32458967 - s - 23498765 s - - 423 - - - 23896745 - - 35792468 s - s 23945678 - s 923 - - - 24365879 - - 324 - - - 432 - - - 54362978 - - 62738495 s 24637598 s - - 32654987 - s s - 32896745 s s - 43298765 - - 243 - - - 53248967 - s 42356789 s s - 342 - - - 234 - - - Queens, Tittums, Rollercoaster, assorted other fun. Rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 19/11/2016, Cond. SAB
9 bells comp=b,p,s,b,p,line, s,p,b,b,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, p,p,p,b,b,line, s,p,b,p,s,p,p,line, p,b,p,s,p,p,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, p,p,p,b,b,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, b,p,b,p,p,p,line, s,p,p,p,line, s,b,p,b,p,p,line, b,s,p,s,b,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, b,b,p,p,p,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, b,s,p,p,p,line, p,s,s,b,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" LEAD=+ fin=lead,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------"
2,017 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 22/12/16 24365879 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 34567892 - - 89234567 s s s 93254768 - - 43298765 s s s 243 - - - 324 - - - 97832546 - s s 897 - - - 789 - - - 32465879 - s s - 432 - - - 34265978 - - - 56432987 - s 23654 - - 23896745 s s - 35792468 s - s 532479 s - s s 24356879 s s s 32456987 - - 23456789 - - - Start at backstroke with a single. Unrung
9 bells comp=+123," @",p,line, p,p,b,b,p,line, p,p,p,p,s,s,s,p,line, p,p,p,b,b,p,line, s,s,s,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, p,p,b,s,p,s,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, b,s,p,s,b,p,p,p,line, 3b,2p,line, b,p,b,b,p,line, p,b,p,s,p,line, p,p,b,b,p,p,p,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, s,p,b,p,s,p,p,line, s,b,s,s,line, p,s,s,s,p,line, b,p,p,b,p,p,line, b,p,b,b,p p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" g=+ line=" ---------"
2,017 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 22/12/16 24365879 1 2 3 4 5 32465 - - - | A 43265 - - - | 34265978 - - - 423 A 52364 s 32456 s - 23456879 - - - 342 A 23456978 - - s 342 A 43256879 - - - 324 A 43256978 - - s 243 - - - 42356897 - - s 234 A 23456789 - - - Start at backstroke with a single. Unrung
5,003 (5,075) Grandsire Caters #1 "Swindon" Comp. SAB 06/12/16   23456789  1  2  3  4  5   ------------------------  42356978  -        - (6)  ------------------------  342       -  -  -*      | A |  234       -  -  -       |   |  ------------------------    |  32497568  s  -     -        |  243             A         |  42359876  s           -  (6)|  234             A         |  32456897  -  s     -        | B  43256879  -  s  -           |  324             A         |  23654987  -        s  s     |  23896745  s     s     -     |  42398765  -  -           (6)|  234             A         |  ------------------------  32674589  s     s     s  43256978  s        s (6) ------------------------  32498765        B  ------------------------  87932546        -  s (7)  798             A  34567892  s  s  s  -  - (6)  34265879  -  s        -  ------------------------  43265978  -     -  -    |  324             A     | C  43265879  -     -  s    |  324             A     |  ------------------------ (34265879)       C Six courses each 56978, 97568, 59876, 56879, 98765, 65978, 65879, both 896745 courses, three courses 32546, Rollercoaster, Whittingtons, Backrounds. For 5,075 call s---s for -* in first A of second B block. Contains Tittums. First rung as 5,075 at Swindon, Christ Church, 17/12/2016, Cond. SAB
9 bells comp=b,2p,b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, BBlock, s,p,s,p,s,line, s,2p,s,2p,line, 2b,s,b,line, 2b,s,2p,line, BBlock, 2p,b,s,3p,line, A,line, 3s,2b,p,line, b,s,2p,b,line, DBlock,A,DBlock,3b,2p,line,3b,fin DBlock=b,p,2b,p,line,A,b,p,b,s,p,line A=2(3b,2p,line) BBlock=3b,2p,line, s,b,p,b,p,line,A, s,3p,b,p,line,A, b,s,p,b,p,line, b,s,b,2p,line,A, b,2p,2s,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, 2b,4p,line,A p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" g=+ fin=g,+9 line=" ---------"
5,003 Grandsire Caters #2 "Wells" Comp. SAB 06/11/19 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ---------------------------- 42356978 - - ---------------------------- 342 - - - | A | 234 - - - | | ---------------------------- | 32497568 s - - | 243 A | 42356879 s s - | 234 A | 23654987 - s - | 32896745 s s s | 43298765 - - | B 324 A | 23495786 - s - | 342 A | 53492 - - s | 23456987 - s s | 63425 s s | 42365978 - - | 234 A | 32465879 - - - | 243 A | ---------------------------- 34567892 - - 34265879 - s - 53462978 - - 43256 s - ---------------------------- (34265879) B ---------------------------- Six courses each 56978, 97568, 56879, 98765, 95786, 65978, 65879, Whittingtons, Rollercoaster. First rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 02/03/2020, Cond. SAB
9 bells comp=2(b,2p),line, B,A, 2p,2b,p,line, b,s,2p,b,line, b,p,b,3p,line, s,2p,b,p,line,B, 3b,2p,line,3b,fin B=A, s,b,p,b,p,line,A, s,p,s,b,p,line,A, b,2p,s,b,line, s,p,s,p,s,line, 2b,4p,line,A, b,s,p,b,p,line,A, 2b,s,2p,line, b,2s,p,line, s,2p,s,p,line, p,b,p,b,2p,line,A, b,p,2b,p,line A=2(3b,2p,line) p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin={ p, echo "(@)", true: }, g,+9 line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,& prove comp
5,021 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ---------------------- 23456978 - - - ---------------------- 3542 - - - | 4352 - - - | 3254 - - - | A 5324 - - - | 2435 - - s | 3245 - - - | ---------------------- 32456897 - - - 234 A 32459768 - s - 234 A 23459876 - - - 324 A 25439876 - - - 5432 s - 87654329 s s s 32987654 s s s 65432987 s s s 65432798 - - - ---------------------- 5346 - - - | 4536 - - - | B 3456 - - - | 4653 - - - | ---------------------- 5463 - - - 45236 - - s s 45236879 - - - 2453 B ---------------------- 42536978 - - - 53247968 - s s 35792468 s - s s 23945678 - s 923 - - - 34265879 - s 234 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - First rung Lundy Island, 01/12/2013, Cond. SAB
5,021 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 14/04/2014 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 -------------------- 52493786 - s s - 524739 s - - - 32458967 s - s -------------------- 2543 - - - | | 4352 - - s | | 3254 - - - | A | 2453 - - - | | 5342 - - s | | -------------------- | 32457986 - - | 5342 A | B 52463879 s - - | 32457689 - - | 5342 A | 23457968 s - - | 32457896 - - s | 23457698 - - - | 5243 A | -------------------- 25436879 - - 5342 - - - 35428967 - - (34265879) B* B* = B omitting first course (rounds at end of third course of last A block) For half-muffled ringing First rung Worcester Cathedral, 18/04/2014, Cond. SAB
9 BELLS comp=b,p,s,s,b,line, s,b,b,b,line, s,b,s,p,p,line, b,b,b,p,line, BBlock, b,p,p,p,b,p,line, p,b,b,b,p,line, b,p,p,p,b,p,line,line, BBlock2 BBlock=A2, p,b,p,p,b,p,line, A, p,s,p,b,p,b,line, b,p,b,p,p,line, A, p,s,p,b,b,line, b,p,p,b,s,line, b,p,b,b,p,line, A BBlock2=A2, p,b,p,p,b,p,line, A, p,s,p,b,p,b,line, b,p,b,p,p,line, A, p,s,p,b,b,line, b,p,p,b,s,line, b,p,b,b,p,line, AFin A=p,3b,p,line,A2 A2=p,2b,s,p,line,2(p,b,b,b,p,line),p,2b,s,p,line AFin=p,3b,p,line,p,2b,s,p,line,p,3b,fin P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" fin=LEAD,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------" LEAD=+
5,021 Grandsire Caters #2a Comp. S A Bond 25/09/2014 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 52493786 - s s - 32458967 - - s ----------------------- 2543 - - - | | 4352 - - s | | 3254 - - - | A | 2453 - - - | | 5342 - - s | | ----------------------- | 32457986 - - | B 5342 A | 32457689 s - - | 5342 A | 23457968 s - -* | 32457896 - - s | 23457698 - - - | 5243 A | ----------------------- 45236879 - s 5324 - - - 3425 - - - 23458967 - s ----------------------- (54237698) B * B* = B omitting -*, rounds at end of fourth course in last A block. For half-muffled ringing. Unrung
5,021 (5,093) Grandsire Caters #3, "Abingdon" Comp. S A Bond 05/01/17 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------------------------------ 42356978 - - ------------------------------ 34256 - - - | A | B 23456 - - -* | | ------------------------------ | 32456879 - - - | 24356 A | 64325 s s | 46523978 - - s | 46523897 - - - | 46523789 - - - | ------------------------------ 76543289 - 23489675 s s s s s 423 - - - 92345678 s s s 67892345 s s s 34567892 s s s 89234567 s s s 56789234 s s s ------------------------------ 62543879 s s s 24563 - - - 52463 - - - 42356 s - ------------------------------ 46523798 B ------------------------------ 62345879 s s s 89674523 - - - s - 67982345 s s s 32456987 - s - s s 43256 - - -^ ------------------------------ 34297568 s s - 42397 A 34259876 s s 42359 A 34562879 s s s 43265 - - s s 32465 A 43265978 - - s 32465 A 23465879 - - - (34265) A ------------------------------ For 5,093 Call s---s for -* in 56978 section of second B block (contains tittums) or for -^ (contains rollercoaster). Unrung.
9 bells comp=b,p,p,b,p,p,line, BBlock, b,5p,line, p,4s,p,s,line, 3b,2p,line, 3s,p,line, 4(4p,3s,p,line), s,p,s,p,s,p,line, p,b,b,b,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, s,p,p,b,p,line, Bblock, p,s,p,s,s,line, b,p,b,b,s,b,line, p,s,s,s,p,line, b,s,p,b,s,s,p,line, b,b,s,b,line, b,b,s,p,p,line, s,s,p,b,p,line, A, s,3p,s,p,line, A, p,s,s,s,p,p,line, b,b,s,s,line, A, b,p,b,s,p,line, A, b,p,b,b,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,fin A=2(3b,2p,line) BBlock=A,b,p,2b,p,line, A, s,p,p,s,p,line, b,p,b,p,s,line, b,2p,2b,line, b,2p,2b,line p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" g=+ fin=g,+9 line=" ---------"
5,021 Grandsire Caters #4, "La Parisienne" Comp. S A Bond 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 -------------------------------- 42356978 - - -------------------------------- 342 - - - | A | 234 - - -* | | -------------------------------- | 32894567 s s s | 8923 - - s | 76543289 - s | 46523978 - - | 46523897 - - - | 54623789 - - | B 54326 - - s - | 32456978 s - | 243 A* | 34625 s - | 6423 s s | 43265879 s - - | 324 A | 23465978 - - - | 342 A | -------------------------------- 2643 - - s 23896745 - s s 32 - - - s 23498765 - - s 342 A 29438 - - s 92436587 - s - 326549 - s - 43256 - - s 35792468 s s 23547986 s s s 54327968 - - 42356879 s s - (34265) B -------------------------------- A* = A with s---s for -*, in first B-block only. Six courses each 56978, 56879, 65978, 65879, 32546; Queens, Tittums, Rollercoaster. First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen 30/07/2019, Cond. SAB.
9 bells comp=2(b,2p),line, B, 3b,2p,line, 2b,s,b,line, 2b,s,2p,line, C,2p,line, p,2b,s,p,line, b,s,3p,s,line, 3b,s,line, 2b,2p,s,line,A, p,2b,s,p,line, b,p,s,b,p,line, 2p,b,s,b,line, 2b,s,2p,line, 2(2p,s),line, 3s,2p,line, 2(p,b),2p,line, p,2s,b,p,line, B,A,C,fin B=A, 2s,2p,s,line, p,2b,s,p,line, b,s,line, 4p,2b,line, b,2p,2b,line, 2(b,2p),line, 2b,s,b,line, p,s,p,b,2p,line C=s,2p,b,p,line, s,3p,s,line, p,s,2b,p,line,A, b,p,2b,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b A=2(3b,2p,line) p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin={ p, echo "(@)", true: }, g,+9 line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,& prove comp
5,022 Grandsire Caters #1, "Alan!" Comp. S A Bond 29/12/18 & 25/01/19 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------------------------------ 42356978 – – (6) ------------------------------ 342 – – – | A | 234 – – – | | ------------------------------ | 39284567 s – – (6) | 8923 s (6) | 76543298 – s (2) | B 46523978 – – (6) | 46523897 – – – | 54623789 – – (6) | 54326987 – – – | 32456978 – – (6) | ------------------------------ 32654987 – s s – (4) 43256978 – s s 43652 – – s – (4) 24356 – – s 42356879 – – – ------------------------------ 32456 B 24356 A 64325 s s 24365 s (6) 432 A 34265978 – – – 423 A 32765498 s s s (4) 34289675 s s – (6) ------------------------------ 42389 A | 32945678 s s – (4) | C 932 – – – | ------------------------------ 53294678 s s 98765432 – s s (7) 23459768 – (3) 42359876 – – (6) 24389675 s – – 92345678 C 523469 s s 24358967 – – (6) 42356789 – s – 23456 A ------------------------------- Six courses each 56978, 56879, 32546, 89675; three courses each 65978, 65879, 56789; Tittums, Rollercoaster. 645 4-bell runs including 138 off the front, 143 off the back. First rung Oxford, St Thomas M 25/01/2019, Cond. SAB. A 22nd birthday compliment to Alan Eyles.
9 bells Comp=b,2p,b,2p,line, Bblock, b,2s,b,line, b,2s,2p,line, 2b,s,b,line, 2b,s,2p,line, b,p,2b,p,line,Bblock, A, s,2p,s,p,line, s,5p,line,A, b,p,2b,p,line,A, p,3s,line, s,p,s,p,b,p,line,C, s,2p,s,p,line, b,p,s,3p,s,line, p,b,p,line, b,2p,b,2p,line, s,p,2b,p,line, C, p,s,p,s,p,line, p,b,2p,b,p,line, b,p,s,b,p,line,A A=3b,2p,line,3b,2p,line BBlock=A, s,p,2b,2p,line, s,5p,line, b,s,line, 4p,2b,line, b,2p,2b,line, b,2p,b,2p,line, b,p,b,p,b,line, p,b,p,b,2p,line C=A,s,s,b,p,line,3b,2p,line p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,&
5,022 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. S A Bond 19/08/19 24365879 1 2 3 4 5 6 -------------------------------- 324 – – – | A 432 – – – | -------------------------------- 34265978 – – – 24537968 s – s (4) 52439876 – s (6) 23489675 – – (6) 423 – – – 32987654 – – 28967453 – – (6) 93254768 – – (9) 32654987 – s – (4) 32896745 s s – 89234567 s s s -------------------------------- 76543289 – s (2) | 46523978 – – (6) | 46523897 – – – | 46325789 – s – | B 32645 – – s | 23546 – – s s (4) | 54326 – – s | 32456978 s – (6) | -------------------------------- 432 – – – 43652 – – s – (4) 24356 – – s 4532 – – – 5324 s – 35792468 s – s 53297 – – s s (4) 234579 – s 324975 s – – s (4) 243 A 42356879 s s – 234 A 32984567 s s s 9823 – – s -------------------------------- 32456879 B 243 A 24356987 – – – 32498765 s s s 243 A 43528967 – s – (4) 92345678 s – – (6) 34265879 – s (6) 43265978 – – – (34265879) – – – -------------------------------- Start at backstroke with a single. 15 56789, 19 65789, 9 56978, 16 98765, 18 23456 (incl 6 123456), Queens, Tittums, Whittingtons, Rollercoaster, all the near-misses. First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen 20/08/2019, Cond. SAB. See also 5,040 #3 for a number of improvements.
9 bells comp = +123," @",p,line,A, b,p,2b,p,line, s,p,b,s,line, b,3p,s,p,line, 3p,2b,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 2p,2b,p,line, 3p,2b,p,line, 2p,2b,5p,line, p,b,s,b,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, p,3s,p,line, B, 3b,2p,line, 2b,s,b,line, 2b,s,2p,line, p,3b,p,line, s,3p,b,line, s,b,2p,s,line, 2b,2s,line, b,3p,s,line, s,2b,s,line,A, s,p,s,b,p,line,A, 2s,2p,s,line, p,2b,s,p,line, B,A, b,2p,2b,line, s,p,2s,p,line,A, b,s,p,b,line, 2p,s,p,2b,line, 3p,b,s,p,line, b,p,2b,p,line, b,p,b,bfin B=b,s,line, 4p,2b,line, b,2p,2b,line, b,2p,s,b,line, p,2b,s,p,line, 2b,2s,line, p,2b,s,p,line, p,s,p,b,2p,line A=2(3b,2p,line) p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" bfin={ b, echo "(@ -)", true: }, g,+3 line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,& prove comp
5,039 Grandsire Caters #1, "Appleton" Comp. SAB 31/10/17 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ----------------------------- 35294786 - s - (6) ----------------------------- 23594 - - - | 42395 - - s | ----------------------------- | 342 - - - | A | 234 - - - | | ----------------------------- | 53428967 - - s (4) | 42573698 - s (7) | 34275 - - s | 423 A | B 24379658 - - - | 432 A | 34265798 s - - | 423 A | 34265789 - s - | 234 - - - | 42365978 - - (6) | 234 A | 32465879 - - - | 243 A | ----------------------------- 87932546 - s s s (8) 798 A 42365987 - s s s s (7) 342 - - - 53462 - - s 25394786 s - (6) ----------------------------- (34265879) B For half-muffled ringing. Six courses each 95786, 75698, 79658, 65798, 65978, 65879 plus a handful of other things that should sound nice. First rung half-muffled at Appleton, St Laurence 11/11/2017, Cond. SAB
9 bells comp=b,p,s,b,2p,line, BBlock,2p,line, 2p,b,3s,2p,line,A, b,s,p,s,p,s,s,line, 3b,2p,line, 2b,s,2p,line, s,p,b,3p,line, Bblock,fin BBlock=3b,2p,line, 2b,s,2p,line,A, 2b,s,p,line, b,3p,s,2p,line, 2b,s,2p,line,A, 2b,p,b,p,line,A, s,b,p,b,p,line,A, b,s,b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, b,2p,b,2p,line,A, b,p,2b,p,line,3b,2p,line,3b A=2(3b,2p,line) P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" LEAD=+ fin=lead,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------"
5,039 Grandsire Caters #2, "Banbury" Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ---------------------------- 23654987 - - -+ 23896745 s s - ---------------------------- 42398765 - - (6) | ---------------------------- | 342 - -* - | A | 234 - - - | | 32495786 - s - | 243 A | B 54326789 s s s (4) | 32456978 s - (6) | 243 A* | 42356879 - - - | 234 A | ---------------------------- 32984567 s s s 9823 - - s ---------------------------- 79832546 - s (6) | 987 A | C 64523798 - s (2) | ---------------------------- 64325879 - s - 42365978 s - - ---------------------------- 234 A† | 32465879 - - - | D 243 A | ---------------------------- 32896745 - - (8) ---------------------------- 32456879 B ---------------------------- 38294567 s - - s 89234 - - - ---------------------------- 64523789 C ---------------------------- 32465987 s - (6) 43265978 - s - ---------------------------- (34265879) D ---------------------------- For 5039 call s---s in one of the following locations: + (for Rollercoaster) At -* in A* in first B only (for extra 4- and 5-bell runs) At -* in A† in first D only (for extra 4-, 5- and 6-bell runs) First rung Banbury, 15/07/2023, Cond. SAB
9 bells comp=b,p,b,p,b,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, B, 2s,2p,s,line, p,2b,s,p,line, C, b,2p,s,b,line, p,s,2b,p,line, b,s,2b,line, b,s,b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, b,p,2b,p,line,A, 2p,2b,4p,line,B, s,p,2b,s,line, p,3b,p,line,C, p,s,b,3p,line, b,s,b,2p,line,A, b,p,2b,p,line, 3b,2p,line,3b,fin B=2b,4p,line,A, b,s,p,b,p,line,A, 3s,p,line, p,s,p,b,2p,line,A, b,p,2b,p,line,A A=2(3b,2p,line) C=b,s,4p,line,A,b,s,line p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin={ p, echo "(@)", true: }, g,+9 line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,& prove comp
5,040 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ---------------------- 23654987 - - - 23896745 s s - 32498765 - - s 234 - - - s 23674589 s s - 32456789 s - s s 56789234 s s s - s ---------------------- 8-part Unrung
5,040 (5,058) Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 06/07/17 34265879 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 53462978 - - 43256 s - 43652 - - s - 24356 - - s 324 - - - 23497568 s - - ----------------------- 423 - - - | A 342 - - - | ----------------------- 43256879 s s - 324 A 23654987 - s s 23896745 s s - 42398765 - - 234 A 32495786 - s - 243 A 54326789 s s s ----------------------- 35428967 - s s | 23594678 - s - - | B 42365978 s - s | ----------------------- 234 A 32465879 - - - 243 A ----------------------- 2-part. Backstroke start. For 5,058, say if it's your mum's 58th birthday, call B as follows in 2nd part: 54236789 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 35492786 - s - - 25437986 - s 43265978 - - s ----------------------- Six courses each 56978, 97568, 56879, 98765, 95786, 65978, 65879, Tittums, Whittingtons, Rollercoaster. First rung as 5,058 at Oxford, Magdalen College, 09/07/2017, Cond. SAB, on the composer's mum's 58th birthday.
9 bells comp=+1,q,"1 2 3 4 5 @",rl,part,2p,line,rl,part,fin part=b,p,b,2p,q,line, s,2p,b,p,line, 2b,s,b,sp,line, 2b,s,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, s,b,p,b,p,A, s,p,s,b,p,A, b,2p,2s,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, 2b,3p,q,A, b,s,p,b,p,A, 3s,p,sp,line, b,p,2s,p,line, b,s,p,2b,line, s,b,s,2p,A, b,p,2b,p,line,3b,2p,line,3b g=+3,& fin=g,+9 A=line,2(3(g,+3.1),2q)," A @" rounds=" (134265879)","","A = 1.2.3 1.2.3","" rl="-------------------" q=g,+9.1 p=q," \" b=g,+3.1,"- \" s=g,+3.123,"s \" line="@" sp=" \"
5,040 Grandsire Caters #3 Comp. SAB 24365879 1 2 3 4 5 ---------------------------- 324 – – – | A 432 – – – | ---------------------------- 34265978 – – – 43562879 – – s 53249876 s s – (4) 34289675 – – (6) 423 A 32987654 – – 28967453 – – (6) 93254768 – – (9) 32654987 – s – (4) 32896745 s s – 89234567 s s s ----------------------------- 78932546 – s (6) | 897 A | 46325789 s – (2) | B 32645 – – s | 23546 – – s s (4) | 54326 – – s | 32456978 s – (6) | ----------------------------- 432 – – – 43652 – – s – (4) 24356 – – s 4532 – – – 5324 s – 35792468 s – s 53297 – – s s (4) 234579 – s 324975 s – – s (4) 243 A 42356879 s s – 234 A 32984567 s s s 9823 – – s ----------------------------- 32456879 B 32456897 – s – – (4) 43256879 – s – 243 – – – 42356987 – – s 24398765 s s – 243 A 23548967 – s s (4) 92345678 s s – – 32547698 – s (5) (32547698) – – – – ----------------------------- Start at backstroke with a single. 15 56789, 19 65789, 9 56978, 19 98765, 18 23456 (incl 6 123456), Queens, Tittums, Whittingtons, Rollercoaster, all the near-misses, comedy finish. Unrung.
5,057 Grandsire Caters Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ----------------------- 42358967 - s s 342 - - - 43258976 - s - s (4) 45362789 - - - (6) ----------------------- 45362978 - - - 3654 - - s 5463 - - s 4365 - - - 34256 - - s s (4) 2543 - - s 5342 - - - 3245 - - - ----------------------- 23497568 s - - 423 - - - 342 - - - 23457968 s - - 423 - - - 342 - - - ----------------------- 43298576 s s - 24398657 - - (6) 42398765 - - s 342 - - - 23498567 - - s 32498765 - - - 432 - - - ----------------------- 76543298 s s s (8) 29876543 s s s (8) ----------------------- 43265879 - (3) 3624 - - - ----------------------- 36245987 - - - 56234 s s 6325 - - - 263 - - - 326 - - - ----------------------- 32456798 - s - 23456879 - - s 423 - - - 35247968 s s s 357924 s - s - (4) 23945678 - s (7) 923 - - - 24365879 - - (6) 324 - - - ----------------------- 43287659 s - s 24367895 s s - 32487659 s s - 43267895 s s - 24387659 s s - 32467895 s s - ----------------------- 23654978 s - s (6) 32654879 - - - 62435 s - 2346 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - ----------------------- Contains Queens, Whittingtons, Rollercoaster (not quite Tittums, sorry). First rung Oxford, New College, 21/08/2011, Cond. SAB
5,057 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 11/08/2014 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------ 32458967 - s - ------------------ 2543 - - - | | 4352 - - s | | 3254 - - - | A | B 2453 - - - | | 5342 - - s | | ------------------ | 52493678 - s s s | 32457689 s - s | 5342 A | 23457698 - - -* | 5243 A | ------------------ 56432897 s - s s 56432789 - - - 65432978 - - s 56432879 - - - 56432987 - - - 56432798 - - - ------------------ 92345678 s1.s2.s6.7 (8) 29543876 - - s 35792468 - 53247986 s s s s ------------------ 34257968 - - s 234 - - - 423 - - - 34297568 s - - 234 - - - 423 - - - ------------------ 34256978 s - s 23456879 - - s 32456978 - - - 23458967 - s - ------------------ (54237698) B* B* = B omitting -* Rounds at end of fourth course of last A block Unrung, sadly.
5,057 Grandsire Caters #2a Comp. SAB 11/08/2014 & 22/07/2015 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 32458967 - s - ----------------------- 2543 - - - | | 4352 - - s | | 3254 - - - | A | B 2453 - - - | | 5342 - - s | | ----------------------- | 23654987 - s - | 62354789 - - s | 32457689 s - | 5342 A | 23457698 - - -* | 5243 A | ----------------------- 56432897 s - s s 56432789 - - - 56432978 - - - ----------------------- 4365 - - s 6435 - - - 3546 - - s ----------------------- 56432879 s - - 56432987 - - - 56432798 - - - ----------------------- 43652789 - - 35246978 s s s 35792468 s - - 53247986 s s s s ----------------------- 34297568 s - s 23456879 s s s 423 - - - 34256978 - - s 23458967 - s s ----------------------- (54237698) B* B* = B omitting -* Rounds at end of fourth course of last A block Unrung After 5057 #2 was lost in the 97568s (which aren't that good anyway) I determined to arrange another attempt. For good measure, the culprit block was removed leaving room to pick up tittums and tidy up some of the transitions. In the end, the attempt for it was cancelled owing to work pressures. One day...
9 bells comp=b,p,s,b,p,line, BBlockIsh, p,b,p,b,b,line, ABlock, s,b,p,s,s,line, Rotate789, p,b,b,s,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, p,b,b,s,p,line, p,s,b,b,p,line, Rotate789, p,b,p,b,p,p,line, p,s,p,s,s,line, s,b,p,p,b,line, s,s,s,s,line, p,p,s,b,s,line, s,p,s,s,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, b,p,b,s,p,line, b,s,p,s,p,line, BBlockIsh, p,b,p,b,p,p,line, AFinish ABlock=p,3b,p,line,p,2b,s,p,line,2(p,3b,p,line),p,2b,s,p,line AFinish=p,3b,p,line,p,2b,s,p,line,p,3b,p,line,p,3b,fin BBlockIsh=ABlock,p,b,s,p,b,line,b,p,b,s,p,line,p,s,p,b,p,line,ABlock Rotate789=2(b,2p,2b,line) p=LEAD,+9.1," @" b=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" s=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" fin=LEAD,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------" LEAD=+
5,057 Grandsire Caters #3 Comp. SAB 24/05/17 (with revisions) 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 42356978 - - ------------------------ 342 - - - | A | 234 - - - | | ------------------------ | 32497568 s - - | 243 A | 42359876 s - | 234 A | 32456897 - s - | 43256879 - s - | 324 A | B 23654987 - s s | 32896745 s s s | 43298765 - - | 324 A | 23496587 - s - | 63425987 - s | 42365978 - - | 234 A | 32465879 - - - | 243 A | ------------------------ 34567829 - s 34265879 - - - 54236 s s 43256978 s - - ------------------------ (34265879) B Six courses each 56978, 97568, 56879, 98765, 65978, 65879, Whittingtons, Rollercoaster. First Rung Oxford, St Mary Magd, 13/03/2018, Cond. SAB Also: Swindon, Christ Church 6/10/2018, Cond SAB Wells Cathedral, 24/11/2018, Cond. SAB
9 bells comp=b,2p,b,2p,Bblock, 2p,line, 3p,b,s,line, 2b,2p,b,line, s,2p,s,p,line, p,s,2b,p,line, Bblock,fin BBlock=A, s,b,p,b,p,A, s,3p,b,p,A, b,s,p,b,p,line, b,s,b,2p,A, b,2p,2s,line, s,p,s,p,s,line, 2b,4p,A, b,p,s,b,p,line, b,2p,s,p,line, p,b,p,b,2p,A, b,p,2b,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b A=line,2(3b,2p,line) p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin=g,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,&
5,057 Grandsire Caters #4 Comp. SAB 27/06/18 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 42356978 - - ------------------------ 342 - - -* | A | 234 - - - | | ------------------------ | 32497568 s - - | 243 A | 42357968 s - - s | 25793468 - s s | 24395678 s s s s | 54326978 - s | 42356879 s - - | 234 A | B 23654987 - s - | 32896745 s s s | 43298765 - - | 324 A | 23496587 - s - | 63425987 - s | 42365978 - - | 234 A | 32465879 - - - | 243 A | ------------------------ 34567829 - s 34265879 - - - 54236 s s 43256978 s - - ------------------------ (34265879) B* B* = B with s---s for -* in first A block. Six courses each 56978, 97568, 56879, 98765, 65978, 65879, Queens, Tittums, Whittingtons, Rollercoaster. Unrung
5,057 Grandsire Caters #5 (Emma #3.1) Comp. S A Bond 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------------------------------ 42356978 – – (6) ------------------------------ 34256 – – – | A 23456 – – – | ------------------------------ 42397568 s – s 34259876 s s (6) 42359 A 34289675 s – s 42389 A 92345678 s s s (4) 67892345 s s s (8) 34567892 s s s (8) 89234567 s s s (8) ------------------------------ 78932546 – s (6) | 89732 A | B 46325789 s – (2) | ------------------------------ 54623 – – s 32456978 s s (6) 32654987 – s s – (4) 32456 – – s – (4) 43256978 – s – 43652 – – s – (4) 24356 – – s 42356879 – – – 23456 A 32984567 s s s 98234 – – s ------------------------------ 46325798 B ------------------------------ 32645 – – s 23546 – – s s (4) 54326 – – s 32456879 s – (6) 32456897 – s – – (4) 43256879 – s – 24356 – – – 64325 s s 24365 s (6) 43265 A 53246 s s 43256987 s – – 35792468 s s (6) 235479 s – s 54329876 s s (6) 32457698 s s s 23465879 s – (6) (34265) A ------------------------------ Six courses each 56978, 56879, 65879, 32546, Queens, Tittums, Rollercoaster, Backrounds (once), all the near-misses. At least one (often many more) of every kind of 4-, 5-, 6-, or 7-bell run, front and back. Composer's note: there's a s---s at the end of the first B-block which should be removed. Feel free to single in a better course elsewhere. First Rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 18/01/2020, Cond. SAB
9 bells comp=2(b,2p),line,A, s,b,p,s,p,line, s,3p,s,p,line,A, s,p,b,s,p,line,A, 3s,p,line, 3(4p,3s,p,line),B, 2b,s,2p,line, p,s,p,s,2p,line, b,2s,b,line, 2b,s,b,line, b,s,b,2p,line, 2b,s,b,line, 2b,s,2p,line, b,p,2b,p,line,A, 2s,2p,s,line, p,2b,s,p,line,B, p,2b,s,p,line, 2b,2s,line, p,2b,s,p,line, p,s,p,b,2p,line, 2b,s,b,line, 2b,s,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, s,2p,s,p,line, s,5p,line,A, b,p,2b,p,line, s,2p,s,p,line, p,b,p,b,s,line, 2(2p,s),line, s,b,s,2p,line, p,s,2p,s,p,line, p,3s,p,line, s,3p,b,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,fin A=2(3b,2p,line) B=b,s,4p,line,A,s,b,line p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin={ p, echo "(@)", true: }, g,+9 line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,& prove comp
5,058 Grandsire Caters #1 See 5,040 #2
9 bells comp=+1,q,"1 2 3 4 5 @",rl,part,first,rl,part,second part=b,p,b,2p,q,line, s,2p,b,p,line, 2b,s,b,sp,line, 2b,s,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, s,b,p,b,p,A, s,p,s,b,p,A, b,2p,2s,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, 2b,3p,q,A, b,s,p,b,p,A, 3s,p,sp,line first=b,p,2s,p,line, b,s,p,2b,line, s,b,s,2p,A, b,p,2b,p,A second=b,p,s,2b,line, b,2p,s,p,line, b,p,b,s,p,q,A, b,p,2b,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,fin g=+3,& fin=g,+9 A=line,2(3(g,+3.1),2q)," A @" rounds=" (134265879)","","A = 1.2.3 1.2.3","" rl="-------------------" q=g,+9.1 p=q," \" b=g,+3.1,"- \" s=g,+3.123,"s \" line="@" sp=" \"
5,058 Grandsire Caters #2 (Abingdon II - "Bombshell") Comp. SAB 08/05/19 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 -------------------------------- 42356978 - - (6) -------------------------------- 342 - - - | A | 234 - - - | | -------------------------------- | 32894567 s s s | 8923 - - s | B 76543289 - s (2) | 46523978 - - (6) | 46523897 - - - | 54623789 - - (6) | 54326 - - s - (4) | 32456978 s - (6) | -------------------------------- 32654987 - s s - (4) 43256978 - s s 43652 - - s - (4) 24356 - - s 42356879 - - - -------------------------------- 32456 B -------------------------------- 32456897 - s - - (4) 43256879 - s - 243 - - - 63547298 s s (4) 24365 - - - s - (11) 432 A 34265978 - - - 43295678 s - - s (4) 2934 - - s 34289675 - s s (6) 423 A 32987654 - - 28967453 - - (6) 98765432 - - 23459768 - (3) 42359876 - - (6) 24389675 s - - 432 A 23945678 s s - (4) 92345 - - - 24365897 - s (6) 32896745 s - (8) 35792468 s - - (7) 42678539 s (4) 42356789 s - - 234 - (6) -------------------------------- Six courses each 56978, 56879, 32546, 89675; Queens, Tittums, Rollercoaster. 732 4-bell runs including 146 off the front, 157 off the back. Unrung. :-(
9 bells comp=2(b,2p),line, BBlock, b,2s,b,line, b,2s,2p,line, 2b,s,b,line, 2b,s,2p,line, b,p,2b,p,line, BBlock, b,s,2b,line, b,s,b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, s,2p,s,line, b,p,2b,s,b,5p,line, A, b,p,2b,p,line, s,2b,s,line, p,2b,s,p,line, b,p,2s,2p,line, A, 2p,2b,p,line, 3p,2b,p,line, 2p,2b,p,line, p,b,p,line, 2(b,2p),line, s,p,2b,p,line, A, 2s,b,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 4p,b,s,line, 2p,s,b,4p,line, s,p,b,p,b,2p,line, p,s,2p,line, s,b,2p,b,line, 5p,b BBlock=A, 2s,2p,s,line, p,2b,s,p,line, b,s,line, 4p,2b,line, b,2p,2b,line, 2(b,2p),line, 2b,s,b,line, p,s,p,b,2p,line A=2(3b,2p,line) p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,&
5,075 Grandsire Caters Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 32654987 - - s | 32896745 s s - | 23498765 - - s | A 423 - -* - | 34278569 s - s | 56789234 s - - - | ---------------------- 78923456 7A ---------------------- 24356789 A* ---------------------- 24356978 - - - 64325 s s 42365879 s - - (342) - - - ---------------------- A* = A with s for -* and additional bob at 7 in final course Unrung
5,075 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 6 -------------------------- 42356978 - - -------------------------- 342 - - - | A | 234 - - - | | -------------------------- | 32497568 s - - | 243 A | B 42359876 s - | 234 A | 32457698 - s - | 23456879 - - | 342 A | -------------------------- 43256978 - - - 24356879 B 32458967 - s 32654987 - - - -------------------------- 32896745 s s - | 43298765 - - | C 324 A | 23496587 - s - | -------------------------- 236549 s - s - 32496587 C 432569 s - - 35792468 s s 35247986 s s s - 34265879 s - - -------------------------- 43265978 - - - | 324 A | D 43265879 - - s | 324 A | -------------------------- (342) D Six courses each 56978, 97568, 59876, 56879, 98765, 65978, 65879, both 896745 courses, Queens, Rollercoaster, Whittingtons. First Rung Oxford, St Mary Magd, 20/09/2016, Cond. SAB Also Lichfield Cathedral, 28/05/2019, Cond. L P H Suggett.
9 bells comp=b,p,p,b,p,p,line, BBlock, b,p,b,b,p,line, BBlock, b,p,p,p,s,p,line, b,b,p,p,b,line, CBlock, s,b,s,b,line, CBlock, s,b,b,p,p,line, p,p,s,p,p,s,line, s,s,s,b,line, p,s,p,b,p,b,line, DBlock,A,DBlock,3b,2p,line,3b,fin A=2(3b,2p,line) BBlock=A,s,b,p,b,p,line,A, s,p,p,p,b,p,line,A, b,p,s,b,p,line, b,p,p,p,b,p,line,A CBlock=s,p,s,p,b,line, b,b,4p,line, A, b,p,s,b,p,line DBlock=b,p,b,b,p,line,A,b,p,b,s,p,line P=LEAD,+9.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" LEAD=+ fin=lead,+9 line=" ---------"
5,075 Grandsire Caters #3 See 5,003 #1
5,075 Grandsire Caters #4 ("All the music" reinvented) Comp. SAB 25/05/17 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------------ 35294786 - s - ------------------------ 23594 - - - | 42395 - - s | 34295 - - - | A 23495 - - - | 52394 - - s | ------------------------ 35294678 - - 52394 A ------------------------ 23497568 s - - | 423579 s - - | 423975 s - - - | 342579 s - - | 342975 s - - - | B 234579 s - - | 32794586 s s s s | 35264978 s - - | 52364 A | 25364879 - - -* | 53264 A | ------------------------ 53462987 - s - 25394786 s - 53294 A 53294678 - - - (34265879) B* B* = B omitting -*, rounds at end of fourth course in last A block. Takes the main blocks of Tyler's "All the music" and spins them for a more modern audience. The problem I have with the Tyler comp is that you get a massive block of 97568/57968 which is then repeated with 4 & 5 over. You're stuck doing the same stuff for 25 courses, which gets pretty tedious. Then all of the 6x978 and 6x879 courses (24 of them) are bundled together at the end. This arrangement gives you all of the 97568/57968s, 65978, 64978 and the majority of the 65879s, without bunching all those blocks up together. Added in place of Tyler's 97468/47968 and 56978 courses are all of the 94786/95786s and half of the 94678/95678s . It's essentially a 2-part with the 9x678 block omitted in the second part. Unrung
9 bells comp=b,p,s,b,2p,line, ABlock, b,2p,b,2p,line, ABlock, BBlock, b,p,2b,p,line, ABlock, b,2p,s,b,line, s,p,b,3p,line, ABlock, b,2p,2b,line, BBlock, b,p,b,3p,line, 3b,2p,line, 2b,s,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,fin ABlock=3b,2p,line, 2b,s,2p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), 2b,s,2p,line BBlock=p,s,2b,line, 2(s,2b,2p,line,s,3b,line), s,2b,2p,line, 4s,line, s,p,b,p,b,p,line, ABlock p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin=g,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,&
5,075 Grandsire Caters #4a ("All the music" reinvented again) Comp. SAB 06/11/18 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------------ 35294786 - s - ------------------------ 23594 - - - | 42395 - - s | | 34295 - - - | A | 23495 - - - | | 52394 - - s | | ------------------------ | 23654987 - s - | 42356978 - s s | 34256 - - - | 23456 - - - | 32497568 s - - | 432579 s - - | 432975 s - - - | 243579 s - - | 243975 s - - - | B 324579 s - - | 32794586 s s s - | 35264978 s - - | 52364 A | 25364879 - - -* | 53264 A | ------------------------ 23456 s - 32594786 s - (34265879) B* B* = B omitting -*, rounds at end of fourth course in last A block. Six courses each 56978, 97568, 57968, 64978, 65978, 65879; Rollercoaster. First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 13/12/2018, Cond SAB. A 75th birthday compliment to Bernard Stone.
9 bells comp=b,p,s,b,2p,line, A, D, b,p,2b,p,line, A, s,2p,b,p,line, p,s,2p,b,2p,line, C,D, b,p,b,3p,line, 3b,2p,line, 2b,s,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,fin A=3b,2p,line,C C=2b,s,2p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), 2b,s,2p,line D=b,s,p,b,line, b,2s,2p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), s,b,p,b,p,line, 2(s,2b,2p,line,s,3b,line), s,2b,2p,line, 3s,b,line, s,p,b,p,b,p,line, A BBlock=p,s,2b,line, 2(s,2b,2p,line,s,3b,line), s,2b,2p,line, 4s,line, s,p,b,p,b,p,line, ABlock p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin={ p, echo "(@)", true: }, g,+9 line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,& prove comp
5,076 Grandsire Caters #1 Comp. SAB 04/05/17 34265879 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 54236 s s 43256978 s - - ----------------------- 24356 - - - | A 32456 - - - | ----------------------- 23497568 s - - 342 A 43259876 s - 324 A 53462879 - s s - 43256 s - 324 A 23654987 - s s 23896745 s s - 42398765 - - 234 A 92354768 s s - s 43526987 s s 64325978 - s s 42365 - - - 234 A 32465879 - - - 243 A ----------------------- Repeat Backstroke start. Six courses each 56978, 97568, 59876, 56879, 98765, 65978, 65879, both 896745 courses, Rollercoaster, Whittingtons. Unrung.
9 bells comp=+1," @",p,line,part,2p,line,part,fin part=s,2p,s,p,line, p,s,2b,p,A, s,b,p,b,p,A, s,3p,b,p,A, b,p,2s,b,line, s,2p,b,p,A, b,2p,2s,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, 2b,4p,A, p,2s,b,s,line, s,2p,s,line, b,2s,2p,line, p,3b,p,A, b,p,2b,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b A=line,2(3b,2p,line) p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin=g,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,&
5,076 Grandsire Caters #2 Comp. SAB 13/04/18 34265879 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 43265978 - - - 53246 s s 34256 - - - 43297568 s - - 34259876 s - 43289675 s - - 53249876 - s 34562879 - s - 23465 - - s ----------------------- Backstroke start 6-part, calling s for the last - in any course other than 2,7,9 at two points half a peal apart. First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 17/04/2018, Cond. A M Eyles
9 bells comp=+1," @",p,line,2partA,partB,2p,2line,2partA,partB,fin partA=b,p,2b,p,line, s,2p,s,p,line, p,3b,p,line, s,b,p,b,p,line, s,3p,b,p,line, s,p,2b,p,line, b,s,3p,line, b,p,s,b,2p,line, 2b,s,2p,2line partB=b,p,2b,p,line, s,2p,s,p,line, p,2b,s,p,line, s,b,p,b,p,line, s,3p,b,p,line, s,p,2b,p,line, b,s,3p,line, b,p,s,b,2p,line, 2b,s p=g,+9.1," @" b=g,+3.1," @ -" s=g,+3.123," @ s" fin=g,+9,"(132547698)" line=" ---------" g=+3.1.9,&
5,093 Grandsire Caters #1 See 5,021 #3
5,112 (10,224) Grandsire Caters Arr. SAB after MBD 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 45326978 s - 48-part calling parts 12 and 36 as 2.4.s5 (5 leads) and parts 24 and 48 as s2.4.s5 (5 leads). For 10,224, call - for s5 in the final course and repeat. Neither length is all the work for the sixth. Unrung - for good reason, don't ever call it! Merely an academic exercise.
5,129 (5,021) Grandsire Caters Comp. SAB 02/03/2016 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 35294786 - s - ----------------------- 235 - - - | | 42395 - - s | | 342 - - - | A | 234 - - - | | 52394 - - s | | ----------------------- | 23654987 - s - | 23896745 s s - | 42398765 - - | B 342 - - - | 234 - - - | 32496587 - s - | 63254978 s s s | 35264978 - - - | ----------------------- | 523 A | 25364879 - - - * | 532 A | ----------------------- 43256879 s s 35247968 s s - 35792468 s - s - 53247986 s s s s 43297568 s - - ----------------------- 34652978 s - s 34256897 - s - 34256879 - s - - 25394786 - s ----------------------- (53462879) B* B* = B omitting -* Rounds at end of fourth course of last A block Contains Queens, Tittums, Rollercoaster, six courses each 65879s, 65978s, 98765s, 95786s Composed especially for the composer's 29th birthday. If it isn't your 29th birthday call B* as B for 5021. You lose a course of 65879s but gain two courses of 64879s in place of 62879s. First rung as 5129 at Oxford, St Thomas M, 14/03/2016, Cond. SAB In anticipation of the conductor's 29th birthday.
9 bells comp=b,p,s,b,p,q,line, BBlock, s,p,p,s,p,line, p,s,s,b,p,line, s,b,s,b,sp,line, s,s,s,s,sp,line, p,p,s,b,b,line,rule, s,b,p,p,s,line, b,p,p,s,b,line, b,s,b,b,sp,line, b,p,p,p,s,q,q,line, (ToHSCourse=b,p,b,p,p,q,line),(BFinish=AFinish), BBlock ABlock=rule,3b,2p,line,2b,s,2p,line,2(3b,2p,line),2b,s,2p,line,rule AFinish=rule,3b,2p,line,2b,s,2p,line,3b,2p,line,3b,fin BFinish=ABlock ToHSCourse=b,p,b,b,p,line BBlock=ABlock, b,s,p,b,sp,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, b,b,p,p,p,q,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, b,b,b,p,p,line, b,p,s,b,p,line, s,s,s,p,p,line, p,b,b,b,p,line, ABlock, ToHSCourse, BFinish start="1 2 3 4 5 @","---------------------" p=g,+9.1," \" q=g,+9.1 b=g,+3.1,"- \" s=g,+3.123,"s \" sp=" \" fin=g,+9," (134265879)" line=" @" rule="---------------------" g=+ prove comp
10,007 Grandsire Caters Comp. SAB 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ---------------------------- 42356978 – – (6) ---------------------------- 25346 – – – | | ---------------------------- | | 32546 – – – | A | | 53246 – – – | | | ---------------------------- | B | 34256 – – – | | C 23456 – – – | | ---------------------------- | 32497568 s – – | 324579 s – – – (4) | 432975 s – – | 432579 s – – – (4) | ---------------------------- 357924 – s s 53247986 s s s s (4) 24397568 s – (6) ---------------------------- 42356879 s s – | D 23456 B | ---------------------------- 32984567 s s s ---------------------------- 98234 – – s | 79832546 – s (6) | E 987 A | ---------------------------- 54623798 – (3) 24653879 s – – 32456987 – s (6) 432 – – – 43652978 – s s – (4) 24356987 – s s ---------------------------- 42358967 – – – | 234 A | 23654987 – – – | 32896745 s s s | 43298765 – – (6) | 324 A | F 23495786 – s – | 342 A | 23495687 – – s | 52364978 s s s | 235 A | 42365 – – s | ---------------------------- 42365987 – s – – (4) 34265978 – s – 234 – – – ---------------------------- 32465879 – – – | 53264 – – s | 325 A | G 43265 – – s | 243 – – – | ---------------------------- 34567892 – – 34265879 – s – 54236 s s 43256978 s – – 42357968 C 34297568 s – – 32456879 D 32456897 – s – – (4) 72436598 – s 93254768 – (7) 32894567 – s – (4) 89732546 E 34625789 s (3) 54632789 s s 23456987 s – (6) 342 A 43265978 F 324 A (34265879) G ---------------------------- Composed for the 150th, 100th and 50th anniversaries of 10,000s of Grandsire Caters rung at Appleton. Sadly miscalled. Half the peal rung as a 5,057, Appleton, St Laurence, 05/04/2022.
9 bells comp="1 2 3 4 5\t @",rl, b,2p,b,p,q,line,C, 2p,b,2s,line, 4s,line, 2p,s,b,p,q,line, D, 2s,2p,s,line, E, b,2p,line, p,s,p,2b,line, b,2p,s,p,q,line,rl, 3b,2p,line, b,2s,b,line, b,2s,2p,line, F, b,s,2b,line, b,s,b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, G,2p,line,rl, 2p,2b,p,line, b,s,2p,b,line, s,2p,s,p,line, p,s,2b,p,line,rl, C, s,2b,2p,line, D, b,s,2b,line, b,s,3p,line, 2p,b,2p,2q,line, b,s,p,b,line, E, s,2p,line, s,2p,s,p,line, p,s,b,2p,q,line,rl, A,F,A,G,fin B=p,3b,p,line,A, p,3b,p,line, 3b,2p,line C=B,rl, s,b,p,b,p,line, s,3b,line, s,2b,2p,line, s,3b,line D=rl,s,p,s,b,p,line,B,rl E=p,2b,s,p,line, b,s,2p,2q,line,A F=2b,p,b,p,line,A, 2b,2p,b,line, s,p,s,p,s,line, 2b,2p,2q,line,A, b,s,p,b,p,line,A, b,p,b,s,p,line,rl, 3s,2p,line,A, 2b,s,2p,line G=rl,b,p,2b,p,line, 2b,s,2p,line,A, 2b,s,2p,line, 3b g=+3.1.9,& fin={ 2p, echo "\t(@)", true: }, g,+9 A=2(3(g,+3.1),2q)," A \t @" rounds="","A = 1.2.3 1.2.3","" rl="--------------------------" q=g,+9.1 p=q," \" b=g,+3.1,"- \" s=g,+3.123,"s \" line="\t @" prove comp
1,287 Spliced Caters and Royal 2m: 647 Grandsire Caters, 640 Bristol Surprise Royal; 3com. Comp. SAB 07/12/16 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ------------------- 423 H Bristol ------------------- 342765 s - - Grandsire 674523 - s ------------------- 46752389 H Bristol ------------------- 43256879 s s s s Grandsire 63245 s s 34265978 s - - 25347689 - (34265879) - s - First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 08/12/2016, Cond. SAB
10 bells comp=BrH, s,2b,2p,line, 2p,b,s,p,q,line, BrH, 3s,p,s,line, s,2p,s,p,line, p,s,2b,p,line, 4p,b,line, b,s,b,p,fin Bristol=&x5x4.5x5.36.4x7.58.6x6.7x6x1 Br=Bristol,+10 Brb=Bristol,+4 BrH=7Br,Brb,rl," H @ Bristol",rl p=g,+9.1," \" q=g,+9.1 b=g,+3.1, "- \" s=g,+3.123, "s \" g=+3,& fin=g,+9," (1325476980) Grandsire",rl line=" @ Grandsire" rl="---------------------" start = "1 2 3 4 5 @"
1,313 Spliced Caters and Royal 2m: 720 Triton Delight Royal, 593 Grandsire Caters; 3com. Comp. SAB 07/12/16 23456789 1 2 3 4 5 ----------------------- 42356 H Triton ----------------------- 24356 - - - s Grandsire 24653 - - s - 64523 s s ----------------------- 56423 H Triton ----------------------- 32654987 s - Grandsire 23896745 s s s (34265879) - - ----------------------- First rung Oxford, St Mary Magdalen, 03/02/2023, Cond. SAB Useful practice.
10 bells Comp=TrH, 3b,s," \",line, 2b,s,b," \",line, s,3p,s,line, TrH, p,s,b,2p,q,line, s,p,s,p,s,line, 3p,2b,3q,fin Triton=&30-30.14-12-10-12-50.14-14.70.16-18.90 Tr=Triton,+12 Trb=Triton,+4 TrH=8Tr,Trb,rl," H @ Triton",rl p=g,+9.1," \" q=g,+9.1 b=g,+3.1, "- \" s=g,+3.123, "s \" g=+3,& fin=g,+9,"(1325476980) Grandsire",rl line=" @ Grandsire" rl="---------------------" start = "1 2 3 4 5 @"
1,911 Spliced Caters and Royal 2m: 4 Windsor Little Bob Royal, 1907 Grandsire Caters, 1com Comp. SAB 234567890 1 2 3 4 5 423568790 sH Windsor Little Bob Royal 35247968 s s s Grandsire Caters 35792468 s - s - 23945678 - s 923 - - - 24365879 - - 324 - - - 432 - - - 24387659 s - s 32467895 s s - 23489675 s - - 423 - - - 342 - - - 36254879 s s s s 236 - - - 32654987 - - s 23456798 - s s 32456879 - - s 62435 s s 2346 - - - 423 - - - (342) - - - Windsor is rung with a 1478 single First rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 24/03/2011, Cond. SAB Celebrating the centenary of the Ringing World
5,031 Spliced Caters and Royal 2m: 2591 Grandsire Caters, 2440 Bristol Surprise; 9 com; atw Comp. SAB 28/02/18 234567890 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ------------------------------- 42356 H ------------------------------- 24358967 - s - 45328 - - - 54326789 - s - ------------------------------- (24365) sM.sW 32465 H ------------------------------- 23465978 - - s 32465879 - - - 432 - - - 34265897 - s - s (4) 23465789 - - (6) 23574968 s s - 65432789 s ------------------------------- 674523 7ths 643527 s7ths.sH ------------------------------- 26453978 - s (6) 32654987 - s s 32896745 s s - 35792468 s - - (7) 57932 s - 64523978 - s - - (7) ------------------------------- 645239078 Out 563482790 4ths ------------------------------- 64523789 - s - s 34569287 - s s (4) 63425789 - - - - 53462 s s ------------------------------- 45362 H ------------------------------- 25346 s s 52348967 - s - 34298765 - s (6) 234 - - - 423 - - - 23896745 - - (342658790) - - Contains 13 56s, 7 65s, 698 4-bell runs, Queens, Tittums, Rollercoaster, Backrounds ("twice"). First rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 19/03/2018, Cond. SAB
> 10 bells comp=7Br,Brb,line, b,p,s,b,p,line, p,3b,p,line, b,p,s,b,p,line, 6Br,2Brs,6Br,Brb,line, b,2p,b,s,line, b,p,2b,p,line, 3b,2p,line, b,s,b,s,line, b,2p,b,2p,line, s,2p,s,b,line, 3p,s,p,line, Brb,7Br,line, Brs,5Br,Brs,line, b,2p,s,2p,line, b,2s,2p,line, s,p,s,p,b,line, s,p,b,p,b,2p,line, s,3p,b,line, b,s,2p,b,p,b,line, 3Br,Brb,4Br,line, 3Br,Brb,3Br,line, b,s,b,s,p,line, b,s,s,p,line, b,b,p,b,b,line, s,2p,s,p,line, 7Br,Brb,line, s,2p,s,p,line, b,p,s,b,p,line, 3p,b,s,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3p,2b,line, 3p,2b,3p,fin Bristol=&x5x4.5x5.36.4x7.58.6x6.7x6x1 Br=Bristol,+10,"Bristol @" Brb=Bristol,+4,"Bristol - @" Brs=Bristol,+234,"Bristol s @" p=g,+9.1,"Grandsire @" b=g,+3.1,"Grandsire - @" s=g,+3.123,"Grandsire s @" g=+3,& fin=g,+9,"Grandsire (1325476980)" line="----------------------"
5,033 Spliced Caters and Royal 2m: 2593 Grandsire Caters, 2440 Bristol Surprise; 10 com; atw Comp. SAB 13/02/19 243658790 1 2 3 4 5 6 -------------------------------- 324 – – – 432 – – – 43265987 – – – 24365789 – – s -------------------------------- (34562) M 53462 H -------------------------------- 234576 – s 23457698 – s – – (4) 5342 s (6) 4269573 s s s (7) -------------------------------- (543269078) 6ths ("M") 356472890 s4ths -------------------------------- 52438967 – s (7) 3265498 – s - 23896745 s s s 32498765 – – s 432 – – – 32548967 – s – (4) 54236789 s s s 65432789 – – s -------------------------------- 67452389 7ths 63452 s7ths.x5ths.sM -------------------------------- 45362 – – s 543726 s – – s (4) -------------------------------- 563427 7ths -------------------------------- 64352978 s - s 346 s (6) 23456 – – s 32654 – – s s (4) 64927385 – – (4) -------------------------------- 234560987 964273850 H -------------------------------- 93254768 – s s – (6) 23954 s (6) 53974286 s – – 93456782 – s – (4) 23456789 s (6) -------------------------------- Start at backstroke with a single. x = 1890 Contains 11 56s, Queens, Tittums, Backrounds (twice), Waterfall, Reverse Waterfall, 743 4-bell runs. Unrung, owing to global pandemic.
> 10 bells comp=+123,"Grandsire s @",p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), b,2p,2b,line, b,p,b,s,p,line, 6Br,Brb,Br,line, 7Br,Brb,line, b,2p,s,p,line, b,s,2b,line, s,5p,line, 2s,p,s,3p,line, 5Br,Brb,Br,line, 3Br,Brs,3Br,line, 2p,b,2p,s,p,line, p,b,s,p,b,line, s,p,s,p,s,line, 2b,2p,s,line, 3b,2p,line, b,s,p,b,line, p,3s,p,line, 2b,s,2p,line, Brb,7Br,line, Brs,Brx,3Br,Brs,Br,line, p,2b,s,p,line, s,2b,s,line, Brb,7Br,line, p,s,p,b,s,line, 5p,s,line, 2b,s,2p,line, 2b,2s,line, b,2p,b,line, 7Br,Brb, p,b,2s,b,p,line, 5p,s,line, 2p,s,2b,line, b,s,b,p,line, 2p,s,3p,line Bristol=&x5x4.5x5.36.4x7.58.6x6.7x6x1 Br=Bristol,+10,"Bristol @" Brb=Bristol,+4,"Bristol - @" Brs=Bristol,+234,"Bristol s @" Brx=Bristol,+1890,"Bristol x @" p=g,+9.1,"Grandsire @" b=g,+3.1,"Grandsire - @" s=g,+3.123,"Grandsire s @" g=+3,& fin={ p, echo "Grandsire (@)", true: }, g,+9 line="----------------------" prove comp
5,035 Spliced Caters and Royal 4m: 2555 Grandsire Caters, 880 Bristol Surprise Royal, 800 Triton Delight Royal, Yorkshire Surprise Royal; 16 com; atw Comp. SAB 26/01/2022 234567890 1 2 3 4 5 Royal ----------------------------- 42356 H TTTTTTTTT. ----------------------------- 35246987 s – s 35792468 s s – 53247986 s s s s (4) 45263987 s s s s 26543789 s – s ----------------------------- 56342 M T.B 35642 H BBBBBBBB. ----------------------------- 53642798 – s – s (4) 34256 – – s 63472589 s s s ----------------------------- 654327 7ths Y.YYYYYYYY 467523 7ths.H Y.YYYYYYYY. ----------------------------- 23456978 s – s (6) 23496587 s s – – (4) 32456789 s – – 62435 s s 43265 – – s 54362 – – s ----------------------------- 24365 sM T.B 32465 H BBBBBBBB. ----------------------------- 23465798 – s – s (4) 4632 – – s 64523789 – s s s (4) ----------------------------- 5642 H TTTTTTTTT. ----------------------------- 32654987 s – (6) 23896745 s s s 32 – – – s (4) 43298765 – – (6) 243 – – – 324 – – – 52438967 – s 45236789 – s s ----------------------------- 42536 sH YBBYBB. ----------------------------- 64235978 – s (6) 23465879 s – s 423 – – – (342) – – – ----------------------------- Contains 15 56s, 9 65s, 706 4-bell runs, Queens, Tittums, Rollercoaster, Reverse Waterfall, Waterfall, Backrounds (twice). Attempted, unsuccessfully, for the composer's 35th birthday. Might try again some time. Update: First rung Oxford, Magdalen College, 08/01/2023, Cond. SAB
> 10 bells comp=8T,Tb,line, p,s,b,s,p,line, 2s,2p,b,line, 4s,line, p,4s,line, p,s,b,s,p,line, Tb,B,line, 7B,Bb,line, b,s,b,s,line, p,2b,p,s,line, 3s,2p,line, Yb,8Y,line, Yb,7Y,Yb,line, s,b,s,3p,line, 2s,2b,line, s,p,2b,p,line, s,2p,s,p,line, p,2b,s,p,line, 2b,s,2p,line, Ts,B,line, 7B,Bb,line, b,s,b,s,line, p,2b,s,p,line, b,3s,line, 8T,Tb,line, p,s,b,3p,line, s,p,s,p,s,line, 3b,s,line, 2b,4p,line, 2(3b,2p,line), b,s,3p,line, b,p,2s,p,line, Y,2B,Y,B,Bs,line, b,2p,s,2p,line, p,s,b,s,p,line, 3b,2p,line, 3b,fin Bristol=&x5x4.5x5.36.4x7.58.6x6.7x6x1 B=Bristol,+10,"Bristol @" Bb=Bristol,+4,"Bristol - @" Bs=Bristol,+234,"Bristol s @" Triton=&30-30.14-12-10-12-50.14-14.70.16-18.90 T=Triton,+2,"Triton @" Tb=Triton,+4,"Triton - @" Ts=Triton,+234,"Triton s @" Yorkshire=&-30-14-50-16-1270-38-14-50-16-90 Y=Yorkshire,+2,"Yorkshire @" Yb=Yorkshire,+4,"Yorkshire - @" p=g,+9.1,"Grandsire @" b=g,+3.1,"Grandsire - @" s=g,+3.123,"Grandsire s @" g=+3,& fin={ p, echo "Grandsire (@)", true: }, g,+9 line="----------------------" prove comp
1,260 Plain Bob Royal Comp. SAB 29/10/14 23456 W M H -------------- 46352 - s 26453 3 45362 s- - 23456 - - - -------------- 3 = s-s For handbells Unrung
1,282 Yorkshire Surprise Royal Comp. SAB 234567890 -------------------- 234560987 2.7 654320987 4.5.9 324567890 -------------------- Rounds at the snap after W, five leads later Unrung
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal #1 Comp. SAB 30/05/17 234567890 2 4 5 7 9 -------------------- 64352 - - 53642 - s 32465 - s 2 64523 - - 354260987 - - - - 23456 - -------------------- Repeat Unrung
5,040 Yorkshire Surprise Royal #2 Comp. SAB 30/05/17 23456 M W H -------------- 24536 - 2 32546 - 56423 - - 2 24365 - - 53462 - - 64352 2 2 25346 - - - 35426 2 - 23456 - -------------- First rung on handbells Great Longstone Vicarage, 25/07/2021, Cond. T J Hinks.
5,088 Littleport Little Surprise Royal Comp. SAB 234567890 M F B V W H --------------------------- 234569078 - - 543267890 - - 2 2 645239078 2 - - 265437890 - - - 43652 - 2 2 65432 - - --------------------------- Repeat calling MH for HHMM. Unrung.
5,150 Littleport Little Surprise Royal Comp. SAB 425367890 M F B V W H ----------------------------- 45236 -s- 32546 s s 34526 --s 645239078 s - - 654237890 - - s 25436 s s 654329078 s - - 346527890 - - - s 24563 - s -s 54362 s -s 243659078 s - - 234657890 - - -s- 64352 s s s 23456 - - ----------------------------- Start at the backstroke snap. 19 56, 16 65, 622 4-bell runs front or back First rung Oxford, New College, 21/08/2022, Cond. SAB. Celebrating the 150th anniversary of the foundation of the Oxford University Society.
10 bells comp=Snap,b,s,b,ln, 8p,s,p,s,ln, 8p,2b,s,p,ln, p,s,3p,BVFB,4p,s,ln, p,s,7p,s,p,ln, p,s,3p,BVFB,3p,b,p,s,ln, p,b,7p,s,p,b,s,ln, p,s,8p,b,s,ln, p,s,3p,BVFB,4p,b,s,b,ln, p,s,7p,s,p,s,ln, p,b,8p,b p=L,+10," @" b=L,+14,"- @" s=L,+1234,"s @" L=&-50-14.50-50.36.14-14.50-14-18 Snap=&-14.50-50.36.14-14.50-14-18,+50-10," @" BVFB=b,p,b,4p,ln,4p,b,p,b ln=" ----------"
1,476 Spliced Royal (3m) 864 Littleport Little Surprise; 540 Plain Bob; 72 Bastow Little Bob; 35 com; atw. Comp. SAB 234567890 Littleport LS 426385079 Littleport LS 648203957 Bastow LB 860492735 Bastow LB 089674523 Littleport LS - 908674523 Plain B - 906482735 Plain B - 904263857 Plain B - 902345678 9-part Ring BBL for LBB in parts 4, 5 and 9. First rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 10/11/2016, Cond. SAB Also rung with Biggles Little Surprise for Littleport at Oxford, St Thomas M, 11/01/2018, Cond. SAB
10 bells comp=" \",3parta,2partb,3parta,partb,"" parta=2l,2b,lb,3p,ln partb=l,2b,l,lb,3p,ln p=&-1-1-1-1-1,+14,"Plain","- @ \" b=&-2,+1,"Bastow"," @ \" l=&-50-14.50-50.36.14-14.50-14-18,+10,"Littleport"," @ \" lb=&-50-14.50-50.36.14-14.50-14-18,+14,"Littleport","- @ \" ln=""," ---------- \"
2,016 Spliced Royal (2m) 1920 Cambridge Surprise, 96 Little Bob; 8 com; atw. Comp. SAB (SMC32) 23456 M W H 26354 2 - CCCC.LC.CCCCC. 53462 - - CCCC.C.CCCC 65432 ss - CCCC,LC,C.CCCC 52436 - 2 CCCC.CCCCC.CL. 23456 2 CCCCC.LLLLLLLLL.CCCC Rung Oxford, Magdalen College, 19/11/2016, Cond. SAB
10 bells comp=3c,cb,l,cb,4c,cb,ln, 3c,2cb,4c,ln, 3c,cs,l,cs,cb,4c,ln, 3c,cb,4c,cb,c,lb,ln, 4c,cb,8l,lb,4c,ln camb=&-30-14-1250-36-1470-58-16-70-18-90 c=camb,+12,"@ C" cb=camb,+14,"@ C -" cs=camb,+1234,"@ C s" little=&-1-4 l=little,+12,"@ L" lb=little,+14,"@ L -" ln="----------"
5,032 Spliced Surprise Royal (3m) Comp. S A Bond & M B Davies 234567890 M W F B V H --------------------------- 52436 - YYYYY.L 45236 - L. 24536 - [BBBBBB]BB. (32546) - LY.BB[Y] 462937580 2 2 - - BB.L.Y.BBBBBBBB.YB.YYYY.LLL (243657890) - - LLLLLL.YYYY. 534627890 - - YY.LB. 654327890 - LLLLLLLLL.YYYY --------------------------- 2 part. Ring YBBY for [BBBBBB] and BB for [Y] in part 2. Contains 1880 Yorkshire; 1680 Bristol; 1472 Littleport Little; 39 com; atw. 8 56s (0f,8b), 4 65s (0f,4b), 509 4-bell runs (187f,322b), Waterfall, Backrounds. Rung Oxford, St Thomas M, 18/03/2019, Cond. SAB.
10 bells comp=4y,yb,l,lb,line, 7b,bb,line, l,yb, 2b,y,b,bb,lb,yb,7b,bb,y,bb,3y,yb,3l,line, 5l,lb,3y,yb,y,yb,l,bb,line, 8l,lb,4y,line, 4y,yb,l,lb,line, y,2b,y,b,bb,line, l,yb, 5b,bb,lb,yb,7b,bb,y,bb,3y,yb,3l,line, 5l,lb,3y,yb,y,yb,l,bb,line, 8l,lb,4y,line y=yorkshire,+2,"Y @" yb=yorkshire,+4,"Y - @" yorkshire=&x3x4x5x6x27x38x4x5x6x9 b=bristol,+1,"B @" bb=bristol,+4,"B - @" bristol=&x5x4.5x5.36.4x7.58.6x6.7x6x1 l=littleport,+1,"L @" lb=littleport,+4,"L - @" littleport=&-5-4.5-5.36.4-4.5-4-8 line=" ----------"
1,253 Grandsire Cinques #1 Comp. SAB 08/03/16 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 3245678E09 - s - - s 3245670E89 - - s - - 63254E0987 - - s 23450E8967 - - 423E098765 s - - 320E896745 - - 2E09876543 - - s 342658709E s Rounds 7 leads later Unrung
1,253 Grandsire Cinques #2 Comp. SAB 06/04/16 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 62354 - - - s 25E7394680 s s 5739E2 - - s s 3579E - - - - 534276E908 s s s s 352648709E - - s 23564 - - - - 42365 - - - s (34265) - - - - Unrung
1,275 Grandsire Cinques Comp. SAB, "The one for Marchbank" 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 6 3245678E90 - s - - 23456E9780 - - - s 32456E9078 - s - - 32456E7890 - s s - - 234568709E - - - s 6235487E90 - s - s 3246587E90 s - 234658709E - s - - s 423 - - - - (342) - - - - First rung St Mary Redcliffe, 13/05/12, Cond. M D Dawson (not JCM)
1,276 Grandsire Cinques #1 Comp. SAB 30/08/14 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 6 3245670E89 - s s - s 432 - - - - 34256E0987 - - - s 234 - - - - 32456E8709 - s s - s 23456E9780 - - - s 423 - - - - 2435678E90 - - - s 32456780E9 - s - s 234567890E - s - - First Rung Oxford, Christ Church, 31/08/14, Cond. SAB, (composition declared by ROH to be 'quite pretty')
11 bells comp=b,s,s,b,s,sp,line, 4b,2p,line, b,2p,2b,s,line, 4b,2p,line, b,2s,b,s,sp,line, 2b,2p,b,s,line, 4b,2p,line, b,p,b,p,b,s,line, b,s,p,b,s,p,line, b,s,p,2b,p,line P=g,+E.1," \" B=g,+3.1,"- \" S=g,+3.123,"s \" line="@" sp=" \" start="1 2 3 4 5 6 @","-----------------------" g=+3,&1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E
1,276 Grandsire Cinques #2 Comp. SAB 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 423 - - - - 2435678E09 - s - - s 324 - - - - 43256789E0 - s - s 243 - - - - Repeat First Rung Oxford, Christ Church, 01/11/15, Cond. SAB
11 bells comp=2(4b,2p,line, b,s,b,b,s,line, 4b,2p,line, b,s,p,b,s,p,line, 4b,2p,line) P=LEAD,+E.1," @" B=LEAD,+3.1," @ -" S=LEAD,+3.123," @ s" line=" ---------" LEAD=+3.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1
1,298 Grandsire Cinques Comp. SAB 243658709E 1 2 3 4 5 324 - - - - 432 - - - - 3426587E90 - s - - s 234 - - - - 423 - - - - 24385670E9 s s - - 324 - - - - 234658709E s - - - 423 - - - - (342) - - - - Start at backstroke with a single. For half-muffled ringing. First rung Oxford, Christ Church, 11/11/2012, Cond. SAB
1,319 Grandsire Cinques Comp. SAB 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 6 3245670E89 - s s - s 4325678E09 - - s - 843527690E - s - 2435687 s - 6245387E09 - s - s 4526387E90 - s - s 345628709E - s - s 23465 - - - s 423 - - - - (342) - - - - First rung Oxford, Christ Church, 23/10/2011, Cond. SAB
1,320 Grandsire Cinques #1 Comp. SAB 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 6 3245678E90 - s - - 432 - - - - 34256E9780 - - - s 234 - - - - 423 - - - - 4235678E90 - - - - 24356780E9 - s - - 423567890E - s - - 342 - - - - 234 - - - - First rung Oxford, Christ Church, 30/01/2011, Cond. SAB
1,320 Grandsire Cinques #2 Comp. SAB 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 -------------------- 42356789E0 - - - s 342 - - - - 432567890E - - - - 2435670E89 - s s - 324567890E - s s - -------------------- Repeat Unrung
1,320 Grandsire Cinques #3 Comp. SAB 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 6 3245678E90 - s - - 432 - - - - 243 - - - - 3245678E09 - - - s 432 - - - - 34256789E0 - s - - 234 - - - - 423567890E - - - s 342 - - - - 234 - - - - First rung Oxford, Christ Church, 09/03/2014, Cond. SAB
1,342 Grandsire Cinques Comp. SAB 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 2345670E89 - s s - - 7890E23456 s s s 7890E25634 - s s - - 3425670E89 - - s - 2345678E09 - - s - 534267890E - - - - 3245 - - - - 432 - - - - 234 - - - - Unrung
5,015 Grandsire Cinques Comp. SAB 13/06/16 234567890E 1 2 3 4 5 3245678E90 - s - - ---------------------- 43256 - - - - | A | 24356 - - - - | | ---------------------- | 3245670E89 - - - | B 243 A | 32456E0987 - - - | 243 A | ---------------------- 324E658709 s s s - 2345678E90 s s - - 342 B 842365097E - - 2345687E09 s s - ---------------------- 3245687E90 - - - - | 243 A | C 324568709E - s - - | 243 A | ---------------------- 65423 - - - 42563 - - - s 2456387E09 - s - - 32465 - - - s (342658709E) C Unrung
11 bells comp=b,s,p,2b,p,ln, BBlock, 3s,b,2p,ln, s,p,s,2b,p,ln, BBlock, b,p,b,3p,q,ln, 2p,2s,b,p,q,ln, CBlock, 4b,2p,ln, rl, p,3b,2p,q,ln, p,3b,s,p,ln, b,s,p,2b,p,ln, 3b,s,2p,ln, CBlock, 4b,fin ABlock=4b,2p,ln,4b,2p,ln BBlock=rl,ABlock,2b,2p,b,p,q,ln,ABlock,b,2p,2b,p,q,ln,ABlock,rl CBlock=rl,2b,p,2b,p,ln,ABlock,b,s,2b,2p,ln,4b,2p,ln p=g,+E.1," \" q=g,+E.1 b=g,+3.1,"- \" s=g,+3.123,"s \" sp=" \" fin=g,+E," (1342658709E)",rl ln="@" g=+3.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1.E.1 start="1 2 3 4 5 @",rl rl="-----------------------"
1,287 Stedman Cinques Comp. SAB 27/11/16 2314567890E ----------- 34126578E90 (20) 1234 6.18.19 2143 s7.s9.18 ----------- 341265E0987 (20) 1234 6.18.19 2143 s7.s9.18 ----------- 1243658790E 1-4.s9.s11.13.19 (20) 3412658709E s1.s4.s9.s16.17 1234 6.18.19 2143 s7.s9.18 First rung Oxford, Christ Church, 11/12/2016, cond. SAB
11 bells comp=+3.1,c1,x,y,c2,x,y,c3,c4,x,y,+e c1=bp,pb,pp,bb,pb,bp,sb,3pp,line c2=pp,bp,bb,bp,pp,sp,bp,sb,pp,pb,line c3=2bb,pp,pp,2sp,bp,2pp,bp,line c4=sp,ps,2pp,sp,2pp,ps,bp,2pp,line x=2pp,pb,5pp,pb,bp,pp,line y=3pp,2sp,3pp,pb,2pp,line pp=+E.,"@",+E.,"@" pb=+E.,"@",+,"@ -" ps=+E.,"@",+90E.,"@ s" bb=+,"@ -",+,"@ -" bp=+,"@ -",+E.,"@" sp=+90E.,"@ s",+E.,"@" sb=+90E.,"@ s",+,"@ -" line="-----------"
1,299 Stedman Cinques Comp. SAB 2314567890E 12345678E90 (20) 2413 s7.18 4321 s7.18 3142 s7.18 2143568790E s7.9.10.s13.15.16.22 1234568709E s1.s7.s9.18 123465 (20) 2413 s7.18 4231 s7.s9.18 2143 s7.18 First rung Oxford, Christ Church, 22/11/2015, cond. SAB
11 bells comp=+3.1,ca,3x,cb,cc,cd,x,y,x,+e ca=bp,pp,bb,bb,bb,bp,bp,bp,pp,pp,line cb=pp,pp,pp,sp,bb,pp,sp,bb,pp,pp,pb,line cc=sp,pp,pp,sp,sp,pp,pp,pp,pb,pp,pp,line cd=pp,pb,pp,pb,bb,bp,sb,pp,pp,pp,line x=pp,pp,pp,sp,pp,pp,pp,pp,pb,pp,pp,line y=pp,pp,pp,sp,sp,pp,pp,pp,pb,pp,pp,line pp=+E.,"@",+E.,"@" pb=+E.,"@",+,"@ -" bb=+,"@ -",+,"@ -" bp=+,"@ -",+E.,"@" sp=+90E.,"@ s",+E.,"@" sb=+90E.,"@ s",+,"@ -" line="-----------"
1,261 Spliced Cinques & Maximus (3m) 541 Stedman Cinques, 432 Zanussi S Maximus, 288 Bristol S Maximus; 14 com. Comp. SAB 28/01/16 1234567890E  Maximus   Cinques   42356       BZZBZ.   54326                 6-11.13.15 (20)   35426       BZZBZ.   65432                 s5.7.s14   46532       BZZBZ. 21436587E90            s3. (26) 2143658709E            2.s15 First rung Oxford, Christ Church, 31/01/2016, cond. SAB
12 bells comp=b,z,z,b,zb,ln, pp,pp,pb,bb,bb,bp,bp,bp,pp,pp,ln, b,z,z,b,zb,ln, pp,pp,sp,bp,pp,pp,ps,pp,pp,pp,pp,ln, b,z,z,b,zb,ln, pp,sp,bb,pb,pp,bp,pb,pp,pp,bp,ps,pp,pp,ln, pb,pp,pp,pp,pp,pp,pp,sp,pp,pp,pp,ln,+e b=&x5x4.5x5.36.4x7.58.6x9.70.8x8.9x8x1T,+1,"@ B" z=&-5-4.5-12.3T.14-12.5T.16-16.7T.58-18.9T-18-9T,+1T,"@ Z" zb=&-5-4.5-12.3T.14-12.5T.16-16.7T.58-18.9T-18-9T,+14,"@ Z -" PP=+E.,"@",+E.,"@" PB=+E.,"@",+,"@ -" BB=+,"@ -",+,"@ -" BP=+,"@ -",+E.,"@" PS=+E.,"@",+90E.,"@ s" SP=+90E.,"@ s",+E.,"@" ln="------------"
5,136 Bristol Surprise Maximus (3m) 23456 M W H --------------- 34256 2 54362 2 2 3 23465 s s 43652 s 2 - 65432 - - 23456 - - - --------------- 3 = --s Contains 12 56s, 6 65s, 6543217890ET & 5432167890ET and their reverses. 160 LB4, 89 LB5 Also seven leads of co 54263, but you can't win them all. First rung Evesham Bell Tower, 08/10/2022, cond. SAB
12 bells Peal=2(6p,b,ln), 2p,b,4p,ln, 2p,b,3p,b,6p,b,2p,b,ln, 6p,b,ln, 6p,s,ln, 2p,s,4p,ln, 6p,s,ln, 2p,s,3p,b,6p,b,2p,b,ln, 10p,b,2p,b,ln, 2p,b,3p,b,2p,b,ln p=lead,+1T," @" b=lead,+14," @ -" s=lead,+1234," @ s" lead=&x5x4.5x5.36.4x7.58.6x9.70.8x8.9x8x1T ln=" ------------"
1,344 Spliced Surprise Maximus (2m) 768 Bristol, 576 Cambridge; 11 com. Comp. SAB July 2016 23456 M W H 64352 - - BBB.BCBB. 35426 s s - CCCB.BCCCB.BBB. 23456 - BCCBC.BBCC First rung Oxford, Christ Church, 25/07/2024, cond. C I Griggs
12 bells comp=2B,Bb,B,C,B,Bb,"------------",3C,Bs,B,3C,Bs,2B,Bb,"------------",B,2C,B,Cb,2B,2C b=bris,+1,"@ B" bb=bris,+4,"@ B -" bs=bris,+234,"@ B s" c=camb,+2,"@ C" cb=camb,+4,"@ C -" bris=&x5x4.5x5.36.4x7.58.6x9.70.8x8.9x8x1T camb=&x3x4x25x36x47x58x69x70x8x9x0xE
1,296 Spliced Surprise Maximus (3m) 432 each Bristol, Cambridge, Yorkshire; 23 com. Comp. SAB 01/07/16 23456 M W H 65432 - - - YCYCY.BYCCB.BCBY. 23456 - - - BCBY.BYCCB.YCYB. First rung Oxford, Christ Church, 03/07/2016, cond. SAB
12 bells comp=Y,C,Y,C,Yb,B,Y,C,C,Bb,B,C,B,Yb,"------------",B,C,B,Yb,B,Y,C,C,Bb,Y,C,Y,Bb b=bris,+1,"@ B" bb=bris,+4,"@ B -" c=camb,+2,"@ C" y=yrks,+2,"@ Y" yb=yrks,+4,"@ Y -" bris=&x5x4.5x5.36.4x7.58.6x9.70.8x8.9x8x1T camb=&x3x4x25x36x47x58x69x70x8x9x0xE yrks=&x3x4x5x6x27x38x49x50x6x7x8xE